Chapter 5 Flashcards
The degree to which a measurement device accurately measures the theoretical construct it is designed to measure
Construct validity
The construct validity of a measure is assessed by examining whether groups of people differ on the measure in expected ways
Concurrent validity
An indicator of construct validity of a measure in which the content of the measure is compared to the universe of content that defines the construct
Content validity
The construct validity of a measure is assessed by examining the extent to which scores on the measure are related to scores on other measures of the same contract or similar constructs
Convergent validity
An indicator of internal consistency reliability assessed by examining the average correlation of each item (question) in a measure with every other question
Cronbach’s alpha
The construct validity of the measure is assessed by examining the extent to which scores on the measure are not related to scores on conceptually unrelated measures
Discriminate validity
The degree to which a measurement device appears to accurately measure a variable
Face validity
Reliability assessed with data collected at one point in time with multiple measures of a psychological construct. A measure is reliable when the multiple measures provide similar results.
Internal consistency reliability
An indicator of reliability that examines the agreement of observations made by two or more raters
Interrater reliability
A scale of measurement in which the intervals between numbers on the scale are all equal in size
Interval scale
The correlation between scores on individual items with the total score on all items of a measure
Item total correlation
The degree to which a measurement deviates from the true score value
Measurement error
A scale of measurement with two or more categories that have no numerical properties
Nominal scale
A scale of measurement in which the measurement categories form a rank order along a continuum
Ordinal scale
A type of correlation coefficient used with interval and ratio scale data. In addition to providing information on the strength of relationship between two variables, it indicates the direction of the relationship
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient