Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is culture?
is a system of behaviours, beliefs, knowledge, practices, values, concrete materials including buildings, tools, and sacred items.
How is culture expressed?
Through language and artifacts (things we make).
What does it mean that cultures are dynamic?
Cultures change over time.
Why is culture considered contested?
There is little agreement on who and what belongs to a culture, even among members of the same cultural group.
What is a key point of contestation in culture?
The idea of authenticity—what is considered true or genuine to a particular culture.
What are two central oppositions used to distinguish types of cultures?
1) Dominant culture vs. subculture and counterculture
2) High culture vs. popular and mass culture
What is dominant culture?
The culture that, through political and economic power, imposes its values, language, behaviors, and interpretations on a given society.
Who are the dominants in a society?
People closely linked with the cultural mainstream, typically benefiting from political, economic, or social privilege.
Who are the dominant group members in Canada?
White, English-speaking, heterosexual, male university graduates of European background, aged 30-55, in good health, living in middle-class neighborhoods of cities in Ontario or Quebec, and homeowners.
What are minority cultures?
Cultures that fall outside the cultural mainstream.
What are the two subcategories of minority cultures?
1) Countercultures
2) Subcultures
What are countercultures?
Minority cultures that exist in opposition to the dominant culture, challenging its power and norms (e.g., through clothing styles or sexual norms).
Can you give examples of countercultures?
Hippies, biker gangs, and alternative music and fashion movements.
minority cultures that differ in some way from the dominant culture but don’t directly oppose it.
– E.g., groups organized around occupations or hobbies
What is high culture?
The culture of the elite, a distinct minority, associated with the arts such as theatre, opera, ballet, and classical music.
What concept did Pierre Bourdieu associate with high culture?
Cultural capital – a set of skills and knowledge needed to develop sophisticated tastes that mark someone as part of high culture.
What is popular culture?
The culture of the majority, especially those without power, such as the working class, the less educated, women, and racialized minorities.
Who are the primary participants in popular culture?
The working class, the less educated, women, and racialized minorities.
How do cultural studies contribute to understanding popular culture?
They shed light on the significance and meanings expressed within popular culture.
How do cultural studies contribute to understanding popular culture?
They shed light on the significance and meanings expressed within popular culture.
What is mass culture?
A form of culture where people have little or no agency in the culture they consume, as large companies dictate what they watch, buy, value, or believe.
Who creates mass culture?
It is created by those in power for the masses.
What is a key distinction between popular culture and mass culture?
The difference lies in agency—popular culture allows “the people” to be creative or productive with the materials provided by the dominant culture, while mass culture limits such agency.
What are simulacra in the context of mass culture?
Stereotypical cultural images produced and reproduced like material goods or commodities by the media and sometimes by scholars.
Who is the scholar associated with the concept of simulacra?
Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007).
Can you give an example of simulacra?
The representation of Inuit people through stereotypes such as igloos and kayaks.
What does it mean that simulacra are “hyperreal”?
They are more likely to be perceived as real than the actual reality they represent, distorting contemporary realities (e.g., the lived experience of Inuit people).
What is decipherment in cultural analysis?
The process of looking in a text for the definitive interpretation and the intended purpose (conscious or unconscious) of the culture industry that created it.
What is reading in the context of cultural analysis?
The process in which people treat cultural texts as resources to be interpreted according to their own perspectives, rather than as the creators intended.
How do decipherment and reading differ?
Decipherment seeks to uncover the creator’s intended meaning, while reading allows individuals to interpret texts in personal and potentially unintended ways.
What are norms?
Rules or standards of behavior expected of a group, society, or culture.
Along what lines may norms be contested?
Ethnicity, “race,” gender, and age.
How are norms expressed in a culture?
Through various means, including ceremonies that reflect cultural customs (e.g., weddings) and symbolic articles of dress (e.g., the white dress worn by brides).
How do norms change over time?
Norms evolve and differ from culture to culture, reflecting changing societal values and beliefs.
What are sanctions in a cultural context?
Rewards and punishments in response to a particular behavior.
What are positive sanctions?
Rewards given for “doing the right thing,” such as smiles, high fives, or bonuses.
What are negative sanctions?
Reactions designed to indicate that someone has violated a norm, such as a glare, eye roll, parking ticket, or library fine.
What are folkways?
Norms that govern day-to-day matters, associated with etiquette. They are weakly sanctioned, and violations are not severely punished (e.g., double-dipping chips).
What are mores?
More serious norms than folkways, often formalized and must not be violated. Violations of mores result in serious sanctions (e.g., stealing, rape). Mores can be complicated and contested.
What are taboos?
Norms that are so deeply ingrained in social consciousness that even the thought or mention of them can provoke disgust or revulsion (e.g., incest, child pornography).
What are symbols in a cultural context?
Cultural items that hold significance for a culture or subculture.
What are tangible symbols?
Material objects that hold cultural significance, such as the maple leaf or niqab.
What are intangible symbols?
Non-material objects that hold cultural significance, such as songs or events (e.g., seal hunt, Canadian Anthem).
How do cultural symbols evolve?
Cultural symbols change over time, reflecting shifts in values, beliefs, and practices.
What are values in a cultural context?
Standards used by a culture to describe abstract qualities such as goodness, beauty, and justice, and to assess the behavior of others.
What are values in a cultural context?
Standards used by a culture to describe abstract qualities such as goodness, beauty, and justice, and to assess the behavior of others.
Are values and behavior always congruent?
No, values and behavior are not always congruent.
What is ideal culture?
The culture that reflects what people believe in, such as environmentalism.
What is actual culture?
The culture that reflects what really exists in practice, such as driving large SUVs.
What is ethnocentrism?
The belief that one culture, usually one’s own, is the standard by which all cultures should be judged.
What often contributes to ethnocentrism?
A lack of knowledge or ignorance about other cultures.
What often contributes to ethnocentrism?
A lack of knowledge or ignorance about other cultures.
How has ethnocentrism influenced colonization?
It has played a role in powerful nations imposing their political, economic, and religious beliefs on Indigenous populations of lands they “discovered.”
Can you give an example of ethnocentrism in action?
The 1884 Potlatch Act, which was aimed at suppressing Indigenous cultural practices in Canada.
What is Eurocentrism?
The practice of addressing others from a broadly defined European position, assuming that the audience is or would like to be part of that perspective.
How do Eurocentric perspectives manifest in education?
Many textbooks used in the West tend to champion advances made by people of European descent while downplaying or ignoring significant non-European developments.
Can you provide an example of a non-European development often overlooked by Eurocentric perspectives?
The standard numbering system, which is the Hindu–Arabic system, is frequently downplayed in favor of European contributions.
What is cultural globalization?
The intensification and expansion of cultural flows across the globe, as defined by Steger (2003).
What does “Americanization” refer to in the context of cultural globalization?
The phenomenon where American culture, values, and practices dominate and influence cultures around the world.
Why can the “Americanization” of the world be problematic?
It can lead to a one-directional flow of culture, potentially erasing local cultures and diversity.
when the world becomes increasingly interconnected
Political globalization:
example, democracy becomes the model, and those who do not embrace it are pressured to do so
What is cultural relativism?
An approach to studying and understanding an aspect of another culture within its proper social, historical, and environmental context.
Why is it important not to use our own cultural standards when assessing other cultures?
Because it can lead to misunderstandings and unfair judgments of the cultural practices of others.
What issue arises with cultural relativism when studying historical practices?
It can become problematic when examining practices that were once widespread but are now considered abhorrent and offensive, such as acts of genocide against Indigenous peoples.
Can you provide an example of a population affected by historical practices viewed through a cultural relativism lens?
The Mi’kmaq population, who experienced acts of genocide and other injustices.
What is cultural relativism?
The ability to judge figures of the past within their own time and context, rather than by today’s standards.
What is presentism?
The inability to judge figures of the past within their own time, instead judging them by today’s standards.
Why is presentism considered problematic?
It can lead to anachronistic judgments that fail to account for the historical context and values of the time in which past figures lived.
Can you provide examples of figures who are often judged by today’s standards?
Figures like Cornwallis, McClung, and Sir John A. Macdonald cannot be fairly assessed by contemporary values without considering their historical context.
What is sociolinguistics?
The study of language as a part of culture, examining how language relates to social factors.
Why is language important in the context of culture?
Language is key to the communication and transmission of culture.
What sociological factors does sociolinguistics examine in relation to language?
Factors such as “race,” ethnicity, age, gender, and region.
What is a dialect?
A variety of a language that differs from others in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.
How are dialects often evaluated?
They are evaluated based on whether they represent proper or improper, casual or formal, and even funny or serious versions of a language.
What contributes to the distinctions between dialects?
The distinctions are a product of both linguistic and social factors.
Can you provide an example of dialect differences in media?
In an SUV commercial, a voiceover might feature a Newfoundland accent, whereas that same accent might not be used when extolling the features of a luxury vehicle like a Lexus.
What does the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis describe?
The relationship between language and culture, suggesting that language influences thought and perception.
Why are language and meanings considered culture-specific according to the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis?
Because language outside of its cultural context does not convey the same meanings and may not make sense.
What is linguistic determinism?
The idea that the way we view and understand the world is shaped by the language we speak.
Can you provide an example of linguistic determinism?
Gendered pronouns reflect and shape how we think about gender, influencing perceptions and social attitudes.
How do cultures differ in their interpretation and experience?
Cultures are viewed and lived differently by people based on their social locations, such as gender, sexuality, “race,” ethnicity, and age.
What role does culture play in human life?
Humans, as intensely social creatures, cannot live without culture; it shapes their identities and experiences.
How can culture feel oppressive?
Individuals can feel oppressed by their culture if their social location is not one of power and influence.