Chapter 5 Flashcards
What are shells regarded as?
Energy levels
What happens to energy as the shells increase
Energy increases
What is shell number (n) also known as?
Principle quantum number
How do you work out the number of electrons in each shell?
What are orbitals? Definition?
Make up the sub shells which make up the shells
Region of space around nucleus that can hold up to 2 paired electrons with opposite spins
How many electrons can each orbital hold? What are the different types of orbitals?
2 electron s
s, p, d, f
What shapes are the s and p orbitals?
s = sphere (greater the shell number the larger the radius)
p = dumbbell ( greater the shell number the farther the orbital from the nucleus)
Which orbitals are in each shell?
n = 1: 1s
n = 2: 2s + 3 x 2p
n = 3: 3s + 3 x 3p + 5 x 3d
n = 4: 4s + 3 x 4p + 5 x 4d + 7 x 4f
Which shell and orbitals have the highest energy?
fourth = highest energy
f orbital = highest energy
What are the 3 rules of filling the orbitals?
- orbitals fill in order of increasing energy
- EXCEPT 4s fills before 3d
- electrons pair with opposite spins (up and down)
- represented by arrows
- to minimise repulsion
- orbitals with the same energy (subshell orbitals) are occupied singularly first
- prevents repulsion until no other orbitals are available
What is the shorthand notation for electron configuration?
Previous noble gas plus the outer electron sub shells
Na: [Ne] 3s1
How do we write the electron configuration of ions?
Once filled, 4s becomes higher in energy than 3d orbital so the electrons in 4s are lost before 3d even though it fills first
Write 3d before 4s for ions
What is the electrostatic force of attraction between in ionic bonding?
The oppositely charge ions in all directions
What is the definition of ionic bonding?
The electrostatic force of attraction between oppositely charged ions in all directions to form a giant ionic lattice
What affects the MP/BP of ionic compounds?
Ionic charge - greater charge means stronger electrostatic forces so a higher MP/BP
Ionic radius - smaller the ionic radius means the stronger the electrostatic force so higher MP/BP