chapter 5 Flashcards
Define arousal
How energized the body feels depending on factors; not positive or negative
Define anxiety
A negative emotional state; worry, nervousness, apprehension: arousal activation causes
State anxiety
Moment to moment feelings; “right now” feeling
Trait anxiety
Normal anxiety level; stable over time; personality characteristic with little change; higher trait typically means higher state
Cognitive state anxiety
Thought; worries and negativity
Somatic state anxiety
Physiological; moment to moment in physiological activation; sweating, heavy breathing, increased heart rate
Perceived control state anxiety
Has control over anxiety, can handle and knows how to deal with the feeling and situation
Define stress
When the situation calls for us to act a certain way, but we don’t have the resources to do so
Stress Process
Environmental: pks, free throw
Perception of demand: threatening or can handle?
Stress response: arousal and state anxiety increase, muscle tension, attention changes
Behavioral consequences: typically poor performance
Drive theory
one to one relationship between arousal and performance; as arousal and state anxiety increases, performance increases; well learned easy task
Inverted-U Hypothesis
As arousal increases, performance increases to a peak then comes back down; moderate level of arousal = peak performance
Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF)
State anxiety level is different for each person; athletes perform better at different levels of state anxiety
Multidimensional Anxiety theory
Cognitive anxiety is negatively related to performance, somatic anxiety is related to performance in inverted-u pattern
Catastrophe Theory
Interactional theory, cognitive and physiological anxiety; soft inverted-u = low cognitive anxiety; sudden drop = high cognitive anxiety, as arousal increases performance increase until it’s too much then sudden drop in performance
Reversal Theory
How arousal affects performance depends on an individuals interpretation of their own arousal level
Pleasant increases performance
Unpleasant decreases performance
Direction and Intensity Model of Anxiety
Stressor > can control > good anxiety, helps performance
Stressor > can’t control > bad anxiety, hurts performance
How arousal effects Muscular Problems
Arousal and anxiety increased, muscles tense, fatigue faster, coordination difficulties, slower reaction time
How arousal affects attentional changes
Too low = broad attention span, distracted
Too high = too narrow, focused on one thing, doesn’t see other things around them, poor performance
Optimal arousal = optimal attention, sees everything, good performance