Chapter 5 Flashcards
= Onset
(d) the beginning of something, especially unpleasant
- the onset of disease / old age / winter
بداية ظهور
= portion
- a small portion of the budget is spent on books
- give this portion of the ticket to the inspector
جزء (من شئ اكبر)
= stroke . . - a lot of old people suffer from stroke - he began to stroke a spoon like you'd pet a cat - this backhand stroke was powerful
السكتة الدماغية
ضربة (يد\مضرب)
= therapy . . - he is receiving therapy for cancer - therapy group/session
جلسة علاج استماعى
= acute . . - there is acute shortage of water - competition for jobs is acute - his intelligence is acute
حاد \ شديد
= allergic
- I’m allergic to cats
شخص عنده حساسية
= infectious [infecshas]
- he is not infectious anymore
شخص معدى
= alternate . . - alternate layers of chocolate and cream - alternate between studying and working
يتناوب \ يتبادل \ متناوب
= brisk
- we went for a brisk walk before lunch
= Chronic [kranic] . . - chronic disease - the country's chronic water problem
= moderate [maderet] . . - use a moderate amount of drug - the team enjoyed the moderate success - cook over a moderate heat - this helps to moderate stress
= persistent
- persistent salesmen are annoying
- she can be very persistent when she wants something
- persistent heavy rain held up work on the bridge
شخص ملح (صفة سيئة)
شئ مستمر
= counteract
- the exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension
يواجه \ يتصدى ل
= curb
- he needs to learn how to curb his temper
يقيد \ يكبح
= diminish
- the world’s resources are diminishing
يقل \ ينقص \ يتلاشى