Chapter 1 Flashcards
= adolescence . . - she had a troubled adolescence - adolescence is the period between childhood and adulthood
مرحلة المراهقة
= bond
(d) the connection between people or group
- societies with strong family bonds, tend to live longer.
رابط , ترابط
= tend
(d) something you like to do or something that usually or often happen.
- women tend to live longer than men
- when I’m nervous, I tend to make mistakes
يميل الى , فى الغالب
= instinct . . - babies love their mothers by instinct. - his first instinct was to run. - horses have a well-developed instinct for fear.
= relation / s
- relations between countries are not good.
- he asks for help from his relations.
- relationship between me and my friend is good.
–(relationship used with expressions like love,friendship,..etc)
= relative . . - my relatives live in Cairo. - beauty is a relative thing.
قريب , اقارب
شئ نسبى
= resemblance [rizemblens]
- there was a family resemblance between all brothers.
- the resemblance between the two signatures was remarkable.
تشابه (اشخاص او اشياء)
= rivalry [raiv-ory] . . (d) a state in which two people, companies, etc. are competing for the same thing. - there is a rivalry between teams. - sibling rivalry. --(compete has the same meaning)
منافسة , تناقس
= temperament . . - a horse with excellent temperament today. - she is romantic by temperament.
= tie . . - they tied him to the chair by cable. - pay increases are tied to inflation. - I don't feel any ties with my home. - tied by a contract. - scores are tied at 3-3. - win / lose / tie.
رابط, صلة , مرتبط ب
ملزم ب
تعادل (فى الرياضة)
= upbringing [up-brinin]
تربية , تنشأة
= close-knit . . (d) strong relationships between some people. - we are a close-knit family.
= maternal
= Mathers has a maternal instinct.
–(maternal is something that describes the feelings or responsibilities)
–(motherhood describes mother or period)
امومة (مشاعر)
= parental . . - parental responsibilities. - parental feelings. --(parental refers to mother and father)
ابوى (مشاعر)
= parental leave
- new parents can take parental leave
اجازة امومة