Chapter 5-1 Flashcards
normal female hemoglobin
12.5 g/dl-16.0 g/dl
normal male hemoglobin
13.5 g/dl-17.5 g/dl
anemia in Male hemoglobin
Hb <13.5 g/dl
anemia in females hemoglobin
Hb<12.5 g/dl
Mean corpuscular volume
microcytic MCV100
causes of Microcytic anemia
1-Fe def.
2-anemia of chronic dz- locks Fe in MPs
3- sideroblastic anemia- dec. in protoporphyrin
4- thalassemia-dec in globin
iron is absorbed
in duodenum using DMT1 Transporter in Fe 2+ state. Enterocyte transports Fe to blood using FERROPORTIN. Inblood its bound to Transferrin
Iron is stored in liver and macrophages
Fe bound to derritin.
measure Fe in blood
Serum Fe
measure of transferrin molecules in blood
Total Iron binding capacity- TIBC
% sat of Iron
% of transferrein bound by iron usually 1/3 or 33%
reflects iron stores in Mps and Liver
Serum ferritin
hookworms causing Fe def anemia
Ancyloostoma duodenale and necator americanus
early iron def. labs
decreassed ferritin bc body utilizes stored Fe and increase TIBC= body makes more transferrin to look for Fe
early on the Fe def. anemia is classified as
Normocytic anemia bone marrow makes fewer but normal RBC.
classically Fe def anemia is
microcytic HYPOCHROMIC anemia
s/s of Fe def anemia
koilonychia or spoon nails. and pica
increase red cell distribution width
dec ferritin, increase TIBC, dec serum Fe
dec % satiration and increase in Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (level proto. fine.)
tx of Fe def anemia
ferrous sulfate.
plummer vinson syndrome
Fe def anemia w esophageal web, atrophic glossitis, anemia, dysphagia, beefy red tongue.