Chapter 49 Flashcards
What genetic disease is characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles that control movement?
Muscular dystrophy
Individuals with physical impairments often are forced to travel a considerable distance to find a facility where their insurance is excepted because many clinicians choose not to participate in Medicare or Medicaid
Both statements are true
Which of the following is an inherited condition?
Cystic fibrosis
Persons who have no bowel or bladder control must utilize a catheter attached to a bag. Always check to ensure that the bag remains below the level of the chair to prevent backflow
Both statements are true
Which of these types of muscular dystrophy primarily affects boys?
A dental hygienist who is uncertain about how to act with a patient who has a disability should do which of the following?
Ask the patient
—— Is a hereditary disease characterized by progressive hypotonia and muscular weakness
Spinal muscular atrophy
Which of the following is an example of people first language?
Persons with physical impairments commonly take anti-seizure drugs. All of the following are anti-seizure drugs except which one?
Which of the following is a correct method for transferring patients?
Two clinicians are needed to transfer a patient from the wheelchair to the dental chair
The congressional act that protects patients with disabilities and that allows them public access is
Americans with disabilities act (ADA)
What type of etiology is the physical impairment of a newborn caused by the mothers alcohol consumption?
Order the steps in the tell show do approach
- Tell the patient what you want them to do
- Show the patient
- Do the action
- Have patient perform the action
- Give positive feedback
What is the main barrier people with impairments face in regard to receiving healthcare?
Financial barriers
—— Define’s overactive muscles contracting when they should be at rest
Your patient is used to being transferred from her wheelchair by her care provider. Therefore you should perform a single person transfer from the wheelchair to the dental chair
Both statement and the reason are incorrect
Latex allergy is prevalent among those with spina bifida due to multiple hospitalizations and surgeries which increase their exposure to latex products. Patients with spina bifida will require a wheelchair transfer because it is seldom advisable to treat in the wheelchair
The first statement is true, the second statement is false
—— Defines a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth. It is a neural tube defect in which the bones of the spine do not completely form, resulting in an incomplete spinal canal. Also called myelomeningocele
Spina bifida
Rings of bone called vertebrae surround the spinal cord. In general, the lower the spinal injury occurs, the more dysfunction a person will experience
The first statement is true, the second statement is false
—— is a genetic disease characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles that control movement
Muscular dystrophy
Latex allergy is prevalent among people with which of these conditions?
Spins Bifida
Which of the following is not a protocol for patients with a history of seizures?
—— Is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain that may cause enlargement of the skull
What are the thoracic vertebrae?