Chapter 45 Flashcards
Select the most common drugs used to treat prostate cancer
Alpha blockers
5 alpha reductase inhibitors
Order the steps in a smoking cessation initiative
Ask, advise, assess, assist, arrange
Interventions that should be completed before cancer therapy
Oral exam, restorations, extractions, nonsurgical periodontal therapy, oral hygiene education
Which term to find the movement of malignant cells into blood or lymphatic tissue as well as the spread into other regions?
A tumor that has a cell and tissue structure similar to normal cells is called
Over 90% of head and neck cancer’s are
Oral squamous cell carcinoma
Individuals who have undergone radiation to the head and neck are at increased risk for all of the following conditions except one
Kaposi sarcoma
Surgical management of oral cancer typically includes the primary lesion and
Cervical lymph nodes
According to the TNM system, a tumor that is 2 cm or less is localized and defined to the site of origin would be classified as what stage?
Stage I
What is the tumor, node, metastasis system?
Most widely used internationally agreed on standards to describe and categorize cancer stages and progression
The most common opportunistic infection of the oropharynx in irradiated patients is
Treatment of oral candidiasis
When cancer metastasizes, the new tumor has the same type of cancer cells as the organ or area in which it proliferates. If breast cancer spreads to the lung tissues, the cancer cells there are actually lung cancer cells and treated as lung cancer
Both statements are false
All of the following intervention should be completed before cancer therapy except which one?
all teeth with a poor prognosis should be extracted at least 2 days before radiation therapy
After abatement of acute oral complications, how often should a dental hygienist see a patient who has just completed radiation therapy to the head and the neck region?
4-8 weeks for first 6 months
High dose radiation or repeated radiation to the temporomandibular joint increases a patient’s risk of
Stage two describes cancer that is regionally located in nearby structures. Stage four describes cancer that is extensive beyond the regional site, crossing several tissue layers.
First statement is true, second statement is false
Which type of cells do not invade tissues or travel to distant sites?
Oral cancer has a 30% recurrence rate. Patients with a history of oral cancer should be screened at every follow up appointment
Both statements are true
What are possible adverse effects that can arise from drugs used to treat benign prostate hyperplasia?
Patients undergoing chemotherapy usually experience acute complications that heal after treatment ends. Patient receiving direct radiation therapy to the head and neck region may have extended or chronic complications.
Both statements are true
The management of xerostomia to reduce the risk of radiation caries should include
use of salivary substitutes
IV biphosphonate’s are more likely to contribute to osteonecrosis of the jaw than oral biphosphonates because IV biphosphonates are more potent
Both statements are true
What term is used when a malignant tumor overcomes normal tissue boundaries by finding two other cells or tissues and spreading to other tissues?