Chapter 44 Flashcards
Private, personal, or group standards of right and wrong
- Systematic Study of a right and wrong conduct
- formal process for making logical and consistent moral decisions.
- answers the question “what should I do in a given situation”
- seeks to discover what we “ought” to do in certain situations
The ability to case their practice on professional standards of ethical conduct to participate in ethical decision making
Moral agency or ethical agency
Nurses need to be nonjudgmental in working with their patients (definition)
Value neutrality
- We attempt to understand our own values regarding an issue and to know when to put them aside, if nesassary, to become nonjudgmental when providing care to patents
- requires significant insight to recognize now your value-laden perspective impacts your perceptions and thus conclusion about a situation
Value neutrality
Ideals, beliefs, customs, modes of conduct, qualities, or goals that are highly prized, or preferred by individuals, groups, or society (definition)
-Mental dispositions
- can be cognitive, affective, and behavioral
- includes thinking and feeling components
Something that someone accepts as true
- Nursing responsibility to care in ethical situations
- principles combined with feelings
- following are specific ethics-of-care perspective
Ethics of care
-Refers to aperson’s right to choose and ability to act on that choice
- based on respect for human dignity
Twofold duty to do no harm and to prevent harm
To keep promises ( faithfulness)
Duty to tell the truth
Obligation to be fair
- Inform the public about the professions minimum standards
- demonstrate nursings commitment to the public it serves
- outline major ethical considerations of nursing
- general guidelines for professional behavior
Codes of ethics for nurses