Chapter 40 Flashcards
biological FORM of an organism
biological FUNCTIONS of an organism
What are the animal physical laws?
govern certain traits of animals: strength, diffusion rates, movement, heat exchange
What does an organism exchange with its environment?
Nutrients, waste products, gases
How do organisms exchange with the environment?
Being single celled (sufficient surface area) and having thin body walls (to facilitate diffusion)
How are nutrients distributed in organisms?
Circulatory system
What are adaptations that allow exchange of materials with the environment?
Extensive branching or folded structures, interstitial fluid
Interstitial fluid
Fluid between cells
What the systems of distribution within the organism?
Digestive, circulatory, and respiratory system
What are the main categories of tissue?
epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
Epithelial tissue
Tissue that covers the outside of the body and lines the organs and cavities within the body
What are the cell shapes of epithelial cells?
cubodial, columnar, squamous
What are the different arrangements of epithelial cells?
simple, stratified, pseudostratified
Is epithelial tissue polar or nonpolar?
What is the side of epithelial cell that faces the exterior?
apical surface
What is the side of the epithelial cell that faces the interior?
basal surface
Connective tissue
binds and supports other tissues
What are the major types of connective tissue?
Loose, fibrous, bone, adipose, blood, cartilage
What are the connective tissue fibers?
collagenous, reticular, elastic
What are the cells within connective tissue?
fibroblasts and macrophages
Muscle tissue
responsible for almost all types of body movement
What are the muscle cells?
actin and myosin
What are the muscle types?
skeletal, smooth, cardiac
Nervous tissue
receives, processes, and transmits information
Why do we need coordination and control?
maintains homeostasis, performs bodily functions, in a regulated way, controls voluntary movements and functions
What systems do coordination and control depend on?
endocrine and nervous system
Uses internal controls to change their internal environment when the external environment fluctuates
Allows their internal environment to fluctuate with the external environment
Set point
moving above or below serves as a stimulus (ex: room temperature)
adjusting to the external environment (ex: circadian rhythm)
process by which animals maintain an internal temperature within a tolerable range
Endothermic animals
generate heat through METABOLISM
Ectothermic animals
gain heat from EXTERNAL SOURCES
body temperature varies because it changes with its environment
body temperature is relatively constant
How do animals maintain body temp?
Radiation of heat, evaporative cooling, convection, conduction
How is heat regulated?
integumentary system
Integumentary system
outer covering of the body
What adaptations help animals thermoregulate?
insulation, circulatory adaptations, cooling by evaporative heat loss, behavior responses, adjusting metabolic heat production
What controls thermoregulation in mammals?
increase in normal range for biological thermostat
What responses occur to cold temperature?
vasoconstriction, shivering, piloerection, curling up
What responses occur to hot temperature?
vasodilation, sweating, pilorelaxation, stretching out
What are energy requirements related to?
size, activity level, environment
self feeders; harness light energy to build energy-rich molecules; organisms doing photosynthesis
other feeders; harvest chemical energy from food; organisms eating animals
What does biosynthesis do?
body growth, body repair, synthesis of storage materials like fat, production of gametes
Metabolic rate
amount of energy an animal uses in unit of time
What is metabolic rate determined by?
Heat loss, amount of oxygen consumed/CO2 lost, measuring amount of energy consumed/lost
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
metabolic rate of an ENDOTHERM at rest at a “comfortable” temperature
Standard metabolic rate (SMR)
metabolic rate of an ECTOTHERM at rest at a specific temperature
What factors affect metabolic rate?
Size, age, sex, activity level, temperature, nutrition
physiological state in which activity is low and metabolism decreases
What are types of torpor?
hibernation, estivation, daily torpor
form of long term torpor; adaptation to cold WINTERS and food scarcity
SUMMER torpor; enables animals to survive long periods of high temperatures and scarce water
Daily torpor
adapted to feeding patterns; small mammals and birds