Chapter 40 Flashcards
A new growth of cells or a mass clump of them is called a?
What does benign mean?
Do NOT spread to other body parts
_______ tumor invade and destroy nearby tissues. They can spread to other body parts
If cancer is not treated and controlled, cancer cells break off the tumor and travel to other body parts, this is called…?
What spreads cancer to other body parts?
Treatment for cancer depends on the tumor…?
- Type
- Size
- If it has spread
What are common cancer treatments?
- Surgery
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
What are the two arthritis?
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumadtoid arthritis (RA)
Which arthritis occurs on both sides of the body?
Cartilage at the ends of bones is damaged and wears away, causing bones to rub together, which arthritis is this?
_____ is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the lining of the joints, causing inflammation and painful swelling
What are the 5 risk factors for arthritis?
- Aging
- Over-weight
- Biological sex
- Joint injury
- Family history
T/F: Arthritis is more common in men
False: It’s women
Osteoarthritis and RA have no _____
What is it called when a person gets a surgical replacement of a joint?
The bone becomes porous and brittle, causing the bones to become fragile and may break easily, this is?
What vitamin supplements should be order for a person with osteoporosis?
Vitamin D & Calcium
What is the first sign of osteoporosis?
A broken bone
A ______ is a broken bone
A person has a broken bone that has come through the skin, what fracture is this?
Open fracture (compound)
A person has a broken bone but the skin is intact, what fracture is this?
Closed fracture (simple)
Healing a fracture can take __ to __ weeks or longer depending on ____
- 6 to 8 weeks
- depending on age
For healing fractures, bone ends are brought into and held in normal position, what is this called?
Reduction & fixation
What is the difference between reduction and fixation?
- Reduction: bone is moved back into place
- Fixation: Bone is held in place
What is the difference between closed & open reduction?
In open reduction, the bone is surgically exposed. Closed the bone is NOT exposed
What is the difference between external & internal fixation?
- External: Pins, wires and screws on outside of skin
- Internal: Pins, wires, screws are surgically placed
A plaster cast dries in ___ to ___ hours
24 to 48 hours
What is applied to the cast first to protect the skin?
Stockinette & padding
With ______, a steady pull from 2 directions keeps the bone in place
What is avoided after hip surgery?
- Adduction
- Internal & external rotation
- Severe hip flexion
What are severe post-operative problems after hip surgery?
- Pneumonia
- Thrombi
- Constipation
- Pressure injuries
An artificial replacement for a missing body part is called?
A person has gangrene when there is death of _____
What two things can cause loss of limb?
Amputation & gangrene
For hip fracture care, you want to keep the leg _______ at all times
What’s another term for stroke?
brain attack or cerebrovascular accident