Chapter 4- Weathering And Erosion Flashcards
What is type of weathering which is the breakdown of rocks by physical forces
Physical weathering
Another type of physical weathering involves the breaking or peeling way of rocks in layers
The other type of weathering which happens when rocks react with water and the minerals may weaken or dissolve away causing the rocks to crumble
Chemical weathering
What is the main agent of chemical weathering
Name the process by which rock fragments are carried away by wind
What do we call large streams that carry water from the mountains to the sea they are known as
The source of a river is called what
What do we call the steepness of the slope of a river
The material carried by stream is called it’s
What do we call all the streams that merge toward the sea as one large river
A river system
The region of land that is drained by a river system is called
A drainage basin
What do we call two adjoining drainage basin’s that are separated by what
drainage divide
What do we call numerous streams that feed into the river at various points
What do we call the level or nearly level land that borders or river that is covered by river water in flood time
Natural Bridges of sediment dropped by the river from the rivers edge are called
Winding groups of the river are called
When a meander is bypassed and becomes cut off from the rest of the river it forms a crescent shaped body of water called a
Oxbow lake
What is a fan shaped or triangular deposit extended from the mountain to the sea
After a heavy rain sediments are often carry from higher elevation on a mountain to the base which one is it Delta like deposit called a what
In alluvial fan
After acidic water dissolves Limestone to calcite what are the names of the large caves it produces
What do we call the buildup of calcium carbonate that is on the ceilings and the floors of the cavern
What are icicle like masses called when they are grown on the ceiling
What do we call the column like masses on the ground
At the surface what do we call the funnel shaped depression in the ground when a cave collapses
A sinkhole
Regions of the earth surface where limestone is exposed and abundant are called what
What do we call offshore bridges of sand or gravel
What do we call high ridges of rock land that project out into the sea along deepwater shorelines
Waves may erode the base of a promontory which may fall into the sea leaving behind a vertical face of rock called what
Indentations in the sea cliff that are often exposed in low tide are called what
Sea caves
What are the narrow formations of rock that arch out from the coast and that are usually pulled from eroded sea caves
Sea arches
Isolated columns of rock that form when the sea arch collapses is called a what
Sea stack
What do we call a sheet that slowly moves under its own weight
Name the two types of glaciers
Continental and valley glaciers
Where would you mainly find continental glaciers
Greenland and Antarctica
Smaller ice sheets that are found in Iceland and Norway are called what?
Ice caps
What do we call glaciers that are rivers of ice that slowly flow down from mountainous regions into valleys
Valley glacier or alpine glacier
What’s another name for a valley glacier
Alpine glacier
What do we call cracks and fixtures in the glacier
What do we call a valley glacier that scoops out a huge bowl shaped depression in the highlands, What is that depression called
Name a Sharp ridge that divides to cirques
What do we call a sharp steeple shaped point where three or more cirque cut into a mountain peak
A horn
When a glacier carves out valleys along its coast line it sometimes fills with seawater creating a
When a glacier retreats in warmer weather and often dumps rocks on the ground it is called
What do we call an accumulation piles a degree of till left by a retreating glacier
When the glacier advances again in the winter time it may overrun old moraines smoothing the til onto Lowhills called
What do we call large holes left in the melting of huge chunks of glacial ice lodged in till out wash
The period of widespread glaciation is commonly call the what?
Ice age
Erosion by the wind is not as widespread as water erosion which is powered by glaciation but eRosian by the wind is called what kind of processes
Aeolian processes
The most important effect of wind Erosion is what
Over time, deflation may cause a barren rocky surface called a
Desert pavement
Sometimes the wind forms shallow depressions where material has been blown away
What we call windstorms that carry coarse sand particles and the fine particles of dry soil
What is the name given to the load of Thick clay and silt dropped by a dust storm
What we call the names given to huge heaps of loose and windblown sand that are common in deserts and beach
Sand dunes
What do we call the action of the windblown sand
An erosion method prevention that changes a smooth slope into many stair like levels is called what
What do we call the process where gravity causes the downslope movement with rocks soil, ash, snow or ice
Mass wasting
This occurs when individual rock fragments break off the sides of a steep cliff that is often caused by exfoliation
What do we call this type of mass wasting, when huge masses of rock or soil suddenly slide down a slope
These are the most fluid and fastest type of mass wasting, rapid movement of loose water saturated soil
What do we call when a mass of ice and snow become dislodged with the mountain face
What do we call a very slow sometimes a few inches of movement (or less per year) downslope movement of soil and rock fragments, it can be caused by soil expansion and contraction due to the changes of heat and moisture by the actions of plants and animals
Soil creep
Name the process where thin sheets of topsoil are stripped away from the surface of the land
Sheet erosion
After a rill is formed by heavy rains the shallow cutting the soil could lead to a channel being cut in the ground which cannot be repaired by ordinary cultivation is called a
Which force has the greatest effect on erosion in the earths surface
Running water