Chapter 4 - Virtue Ethics Flashcards
What does virtue ethics focus on?
It focuses on the agent. It is concerned with a person’s character or traits expressed in his actions.
What did aristotle believe to be the best kind of life?
One which pursues good, where good is an activity of soul in accordance with virtue.
What is teleology?
The idea that everything has a purpose, end goal or function.
What is eudaimonia?
Flourishing good character and happiness. An enduring state that once achieved never goes away.
How do we achieve eudaimonia?
Through cultivation of virtue.
What is morality about?
Becoming the kind of person who through proper practice and training will habitually act in appropriate matter in appropriate circumstances.
Having the right kind of character will result in the right behaviour. means you have right virtues
Do our actions reflect who we are normally?
What guides virute ethics?
Character rather than rules and principles
What is the main idea of virtue of character?
A mean between vices, one of excess and one of deficiency.
What is this main idea of virtue called?
The golden mean but not every action has a golden mean. Envy and theft are two examples of not having a golden mean.
How is a mean chosen?
Different from person to person and requires practical wisdom
What are greek virtues?
Courage, temperance (moderation), wisdom and justice
What are non - moral virtues?
Courage, self control, wit.
What are moral virtues?
Honesty, benevolence, kindness. (Typically involves other people)
How do we become virtuous?
Through virtuous acts.
What counts as a virtuous act?
- Agent mus know they are doing virtuous act.
- Agent must decide to do virtuous act
- Agent must do virtuous act from a firm unchanging state
What are the steps for virtue thics?
- Determine each possible action available
- Determine the virtues and vices that would apply to each action. List and explain why they apply
- Select action where virtues have most weight.
What are the problems of Virtue Ethics?
- Does not provide rules or principles on how to act
- Different cultures have different virtues. How do we know which are correct?
- Problem of self - effacement (removing yourself from a situation)