Chapter 4 - Terms Flashcards
a policy used to ensure that jobs that have been in the system for a long time in
the lower-level queues will eventually complete their execution.
context switching:
the acts of saving a job’s processing information in its PCB so the job can be swapped out of memory and of loading the processing information from the PCB of another job into the appropriate registers so the CPU can process it. Context switching occurs in all preemptive policies.
a job that will perform a great deal of nonstop computation before issuing an I/O request. It contrasts with I/O-bound.
earliest deadline first (EDF):
a preemptive process scheduling policy (or algorithm) that
selects processes based on the proximity of their deadlines (appropriate for real-time
first-come, first-served (FCFS):
a nonpreemptive process scheduling policy (or
algorithm) that handles jobs according to their arrival time.
high-level scheduler:
a synonym for the Job Scheduler.
a job that requires a large number of input/output operations, resulting in
substantial free time for the CPU. It contrasts with CPU-bound.
indefinite postponement:
signifies that a job’s execution is delayed indefinitely.
a hardware signal that suspends execution of a program and activates the
execution of a special program known as the interrupt handler.
interrupt handler:
the program that controls what action should be taken by the operating system when a certain sequence of events is interrupted.
Job Scheduler:
the high-level scheduler of the Processor Manager that selects jobs from
a queue of incoming jobs based on each job’s characteristics.
job status:
the state of a job as it moves through the system from the beginning to the
end of its execution.
low-level scheduler:
a synonym for the Process Scheduler.
middle-level scheduler:
a scheduler used by the Processor Manager when the system to remove active processes from memory becomes overloaded. The middle-level scheduler swaps these processes back into memory when the system overload has cleared.
multiple-level queues:
a process scheduling scheme (used with other scheduling algorithms) that groups jobs according to a common characteristic.