chapter 4: spatial organization in the visual cortex Flashcards
cortical magnification (dougherty)
large area on the cortex designated to a small area on the fovea
brain imaging
creating a picture of brain activity
cortical magingication factor
the size of cort mag
activity inthe brain
a location column with all its orientation columns
location columns
hubel and wiesel, dounf that the striate cortex is organized into location columns that are perpendicular to the surface of the cortex
structure of the brain
orientation columns
each column contains cells that respond bes to certain orientations
retinotopic map
electronic map of the retina on the cortex -> two points that are close together on an objject and on the retina will activate neurons that are close together in the brain
spatial organziation
how different locations in the enviornmenet and on the retina are represented by activity at specofic locations in the visual cortex
columns cover the entire visual field by having little ellipses over the photo (see photo in textbook)
destruction or removal of tissue in the nervous system
action pathway
dorsal, how a person takes an action (DF and the card slots )
dorsal pathway
to the parietal lobe, where/how
double dissociation
A brain damage can do task c but not d, B brain damage can do task d but not c
how pathway
dorsal, has to do with an action
landmark discriminatino problem
pick the food closest to the cylinder (parietal damage makes this hard)
study of the effect of brain damage on human
object discriminaiton problem
figure out what object (rectangle solid vs square solid) (temporal damage makes this hard
parahippocampal place area
the part of the brain that recognizes places and is activated by indoor and outdoor scenes
difficulty recognizign the faces of familiar people
ventral pathway
to the temporal lobe (what)
what pathway
where pathway
distributed representation
when a stimulus causes neural activity in a number of different areas of the brain, so the activity i distributed across the brain
expertise hypothesis
extrastriate body area
activated by pictures of bodies and parts of bodies (but not faces)
fusiform face area
the area of the brain that recognizes faces
stores and processes memories (quiroga, hippocampus and vision)
mind-body problem
how to physical processses like nerve impilse become tranformed into a perceptual expeirnce
the idea that specific areas of the cortex are specialized to respons to speciic types of stimili
smaller parts inside the cortex that respond to specfic stimuli