Chapter 4: Secure Communications and Network Attacks Flashcards
What are secure communication protocols?
Protocols that provide security services for application-specific communications channels.
List example secure communication protocols.
What is SKIP?
Simple Key management for Internet Protocol. Designed to integrate with IPSec. Functions at layer 3. Can encrypt any subprotocol of TCP/IP. Replaced by IKE in 1998.
What is swIPe?
Software IP Encryption. Layer 3 protocol for IP. Provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality using an encapsulation protocol.
What is S-RPC?
Secure Remote Procedure Call. An authentication service used to prevent unauthorized execution of code on remote systems.
What is SSL?
Secure Sockets Layer. Developed by Netscape to protect communications between web server and client. Session oriented. Deployed using 40 or 128 bit keys. Superceded by TLS.
What is TLS?
Transport Layer Security. Similar to SSL, but stronger.
What are the features of SSL and TLS?
Permits secure communications over an insecure network
Supports one way authentication
Supports two way authentication using digital certificates
Often implemented as the initial payload of a TCP pacakge, allowing it to encapsulate all higher level protocols.
Can be implemented at lower levels (3) to operate as a VPN. This is called OpenVPN.
What is SET?
Secure Electronic Transaction. Based on RSA and DES. Security protocol for transmission of transaction data over the internet. Not widely accepted. SSL/TLS sessions are preferred for secure e-commerce.
What is CHAP?
An authentication protocol. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. Encrypts username/passwords in a dialog that can’t be replayed. Periodically reauthenticates transparently to the user.
What is a VPN?
A virtual private network. A communications tunnel that provides point-to-point transmission of both authentication and data traffic over an intermediary untrusted network.
What problems exist with tunneling?
It’s generally inefficient because the tunnelling protocol has its own error detection, handling, acknowledgement, and session management.
It can create larger or additional packets on the network that use additional network bandwidth.
It is point-to-point and doesn’t handle broadcast traffic.
Tunnelling makes it difficult to impossible to monitor network traffic.
List 4 VPN protocols
What is a VLAN used for?
Hardware imposed network segmentation. Used to logically segment a network without changing its physical topology
What are the traffic management functions of a VLAN?
Control and restrict broadcast traffic / block broadcasts between subnets and VLANs
Isolate traffic between entwork segments
Reduce a network’s vulnerability to sniffers
Protect against broadcast storms
What forms of remote access are typical for telecommuting?
Using a modem to dial up directly to a remote access server
Connecting to a network over the internet through a VPN.
Connecting to a terminal server through a thin-client connection
List the security considerations in granting remote access capabilities.
1) Remote access users should be stringently authenticated before being granted access
2) Only users who specifically need remote access for their assigned work tasks should be granted permission to use it
3) All remote communications should be protected from interception and eavesdropping, generally through encryption
What are the security concerns if secure communications channels are not established for remote access?
1) Anyone with a remote connection can atempt to breach the security of the organization, bypassing physical security controls
2) Telecommuters might use insecure or less secure systems to connect
3) Remote systems might be exposed to malicious code and might bring malware into the internal LAN
4) Remote systems might be less physically secure and be used by unauthorized entities
5) Remote systems might be more difficult to troubleshoot
6) Remote systems might be harder to upgrade or patch due to infrequent/slow connections
What is VoiP?
Voice over internet protocol.
What are the problems of VoiP?
1) Caller ID is easy to falsify
2) Call manager/VoiP systems have their own vulnerabilities
3) Man-in-the-middle attacks can be performed
4) Deploying VoiP on the same network as traditional clients can make 802.1X attacks possible, as well as VLAN and VoIP hopping.
What should the organization policy be with regard to modems?
No unauthorized modems can be allowed on any system connected to the private network.
What is RADIUS?
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service,, used to centralize authentication of rmote dial-up connections.
What is TACACS?
An alternative to RADIUS. Integrates authentication and identification processes. Get more from p165.
What is NAT?
Network address translation.
What are the benefits of NAT?
1) Connect an entire network using only one or a few public IPs
2) Can use private IPs on the internal network
3) Hides the IP addressing scheme and network topology from the Internet
4) Restricts connections so that only traffic stemming from internally originating connections are allowed back into the network, automatically repelling most attacks.
Describe Automatic Private IP Addressing
A method of assigning an IP address when DHCP fails. Primarily a Windows feature. Uses the Class B 169.254.X.X. Allows systems to communicate across the same broadcast domain, but not with any systems that have correctly configured IPs.
What is Circuit Switching?
A dedicated physical pathway is created between two communicating parties. Originally used for telephone calls.
What is Packet Switching?
Data is broken up into packets which are individually addressed and sent across intermediate networks.
Describe a DS-0 line
A dedicated line with a speed of 64 Kbps to 1.544 Mbps. A partial T1.
Describe a DS-1 line.
A dedicated line with a speed of 1.544 Mbps. A T1.
Describe a DS-3 line.
A dedicated line with a speed of 44.736 Mbps. A T3.
Describe a European digital transmission format 1 line.
Aka E1. 2.108 Mbps.
Describe a European digital transmission format 3 line.
AKA E3. 34.368 Mbps.
Describe cable modem or cable router speeds.
Typically 10Mbps+
What is Committed Information Rate (CIR)?
A concept in frame relay connections, this is the guaranteed minimum bandwidth a service provider grants to their customers.
Describe the types of technology that “virtual desktop” can refer to
1) A remote access tool that grants the user access to a distant computer by remote viewing/control of the KVM.
2) An extension of the virtual application concept encapsulating multiple applications into a virtual desktop
3) An extended or expanded desktop larger than the display being used
What are the characteristics of security controls?
Transparency - ensuring that the control is unseen by users
Retransmission controls - determine whether all or part of a message is retransmitted if lost
What is an open relay?
An open relay is a mail relay agent that doesn’t authenticate users before accepting and relaying mail. Open relays are prime targets for spammers.
Add more on email security?
What are the objectives of email security?
- Provide for non-repudiation
- Restrict access to messages to their intended recipients (privacy)
- Maintain the integrity of messages
- Authenticate and verify the source of messages
- Verify the delivery of messages
- Classify sensitive content within or attached to messages
Why is interception and eavesdropping on email messages easy?
By default, they aren’t encrypted.
What is the number one transmission vector for malicious code?
What is mail bombing?
A DOS effected by sending lots of email to a user or site.
List the email security solutions
MIME Object Security Services (MOSS)
Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM)
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
More on email security solutions?
Guidelines for social engineering protection?
- Err on the side of caution whenever voice comms seem odd, out of place, or unexpected
- Always request proof of identity
- Require callback authorizations on all voice-only requests for network alterations or activities
- Classify information (usernames, passwords, IP addresses, etc) and clearly indicate which can be discussed or confirmed using voice.
- In priv info is requested over the phone by someone who should know it can’t be given over the phone, ask why it’s needed and reverify identity, then report it to the security administrator
- Never give out or change passwords via voice only comms
- When disposing of office docs, use secure disposal or destruction.
Key points for PBX design
p 188
What is a black box?
A phreaking device used to manipulate line voltages to steal long distance services.
What is a red box?
A phreaking device used to simulate tones of coins being deposited into a pay phone. Usually just a tape recorder.
What is a blue box?
A phreaking device that simulates a 2600 Hz tone to interact with telephone network trunk systems. Whistle, tape recorder, digital tone generator.
What is a white box?
A phreaking device used to control the phone system. Dual tone multifrequency generator (keypad). Telephone repair personnel have these.
What are the two basic types of Denial of Service attack?
- Attacks exploiting a vulnerability in hardware or software.
- Attacks that flood the communication pipeline.
List countermeasures and safeguards against DoS attacks:
- Firewall, router, IDS that block attacks
- Disable echo reply on external systems
- Disable broadcast features on border systems
- Blocking spoofed packets from entering or leaving the network
- Keeping all systems patched with the most current security updates from the vendor
Describe impersonation or masquerading.
The act of pretending to be someone or something you are not to gain unauthorized access to a system.
How is impersionation different than spoofing?
Spoofing puts forth a false identity without any authentication.
What is a reply attack?
A replay attack captures network traffic and replays it to gain access to a system. Unlikely to work.
What is ARP?
Address Resolution Protocol. Maps an IP to a MAC address. Layer 3. Sends a broadcast request with the IP and asks for an assocaited MAC. Can be attacked by spoofing.
How can you defend against ARP spoofing?
Static arp tables, monitor ARP caches, use an IDS.
What is DNS poisoning or spoofing?
Altering the domain name to IP mappings in a DNS system to redirect traffic to a rogue system.
How does DNS spoofing work?
it’s a race condition. You send a false reply when a system queries. If you get there first, you win.
How do you block DNS spoofing?
The only real solution is DNSSEC.
What is hyperlink spoofing?
Similar to DNS spoofing, redirects traffic to a rogue system.
Which VPN protocols have native authentication protection?
Which VPN protocols have native data encryption?
IPSec. L2TP doesn’t, but can use IPSec. PP2P and L2F don’t.
What VPN protocols does PPTP support?
IP only
What VPN protocols does L2F support?
IP only
What VPN protocols does IPSec support?
What VPN protocols does L2TP support
IP only
Which VPN protocols support dial-up links?
PPTP, L2F, L2TP. IPSec doesn’t.
What VPN protocol doesn’t support dial-up links?
How many simultaneous connections does PPTP support?
Point-to-point only.
How many simultaneous connections does L2F support?
Point-to-point only.
How many simultaneous connections does L2TF support?
How many simultaneous connections does IPSec support?