Chapter 10: PKI and Cryptographic Applications Flashcards
Describe public key cryptosystems.
Every user has a public and private key. Public keys are freely shared, and disclosing one does not introduce any weaknesses into the cryptosystem. The private key must remain confidential.
Does setting up communications between users of public key cryptography require sharing private keys?
How does a public key user create a ciphertext to send securely?
Encrypt it using the recipient’s public key. Only the holder of the corresponding private key can decrypt it.
What is RSA?
A public key cryptosystem invented to Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard ADleman. Patented. It depends on the computational difficulty inherent in factoring large prime numbers.
How should you select key length?
Based on the sensitivity of the data. More sensitive data requires longer keys.
What is the disadvantage of El Gamal?
It doubles the size of any message it encrypts.
Elliptic curve?
No notes
What is a hash function?
A hash function is a one way function that takes a message of arbitrary length and generates a unique, generally shorter, value called a message digest.
What is a message digest?
The output of a hash function
What are the five requirements of a hash function according to RSA Security?
- The input can be any length
- The output has a fixed length
- The hash function is relatively easy to compute for any input
- The hash function is one-way
- The hash function is collision-free
What is the collision-free property?
It’s extremely hard to find two messages that produce the same hash value.
What is SHA?
The Secure Hash Algorithm
What is FIPS-180?
It defines the Secure Hash Algorithm
What defines SHA?
What is the input range for SHA?
0-2,097,152 terabytes
What is the output size for SHA?
160 bits
How does SHA process input?
In 512-bit blocks. Blocks are padded if the message is too short to fill the block.
Describe SHA-2?
It has four variants of SHA:
SHA-256 produces a 256-bit output from 512-bit blocks
SHA-224 produces a 224-bit output from 512-bit blocks
SHA-512 produces a 512-bit output from 1,024-bit blocks
SHA-384 uses a truncated output from SHA-512 using 1,024 bit blocks
Why should MD2 not be used?
It was proven not to be a one-way function, and collisions can occur.
Why should MD4 not be used?
Collisions can be found in under a minute.
Add the hash value memorization chart
What are the goals of a digital signature infrastruture system?
Assure the recipient that the message truly came from the claimed sender
Assure the recipient that the message was not altered
What is HMAC and what does it do?
Hashed Message Authentication Code. It guarantees message integrity, but does not provide nonrepudiation.
Why doesn’t HMAC provide nonrepudiation?
It uses a shared secret key, so either user could create a ciphertext and claim it came from the other.
What is the Digital Signature Standard?
A NIST standard in FIPS 186-3 that specifies that federally approved digital signature algorithms must use SHA-1 or SHA-2. Also, the encryption algorithms that may be used are DSA (from FIPS 186-3), RSA, or the Elliptic Curve DSA
What is the major strength of Public Key Infrastructure?
Facilitating encrypted communcations between parties previously unknown to each other.