Chapter 4 Research Strategies Flashcards
A researcher _______ a strategy and ________ a design
devises a strategy and implements a design
The structure of descriptive research design is similar to the experimental design but the main difference is ?
the manipulability of the independent variables
The research design serves to unite the ________, _________, and _____________
the research questions, the supporting evidence, and conclusions of the study.
Define research strategy
General plan of attack
-quantitative or qualitative
Define research design
Specific set of tactics to carry out the strategy
A few examples?
- Group
- Single-Subject
- Participatory
- Non-Participatory
- Mixed
Two major classes of research designs are?
group and single-subject design
what are types quantitative design?
group and single subject design
what are types of qualitative design?
participatory, non participatory, many others
Mixed designs are ?
quantitative and qualitative designs
What is an aside design?
not uncommon: purported “mixed design” includes quantitative design and anecdotal information
Under what circumstances would you prefer group design over single-subject design?
Depend on your RQ, generalization, outside factors
Explain group design
1 or more groups of participants are exposed to 1 or more levels of the IV
Average performance of the group of participants on the DV is examined to determine the relationship between the IV and DV
gathers quantitative data from a group of subjects to determine a cause-effect relationship or descriptive association between variables
Explain Single-Subject design
Focus on the behavior of the individual participants, rather than the average group performance
Analyze the factors that contribute to their success of failure of the treatment
May examine the behavior of more than 1 participants, but the data obtained from each participant is examined individually
Quantitative Research Design
Control _________ so one possible answer remains.
extraneous variables through internal and external validity
What is internal validity?
Answers the research question and provides evidence by controlling variance enough to provide a clear picture of the relationship between the IV and DV
What is external validity?
degree that generalizations can be made or transferred outside of the confines of the study
What are some group research designs?
between-subjects design
within-subjects design
mixed design
T/F Experimental design is concerned with the manipulation of an active independent variable and the measurement of it’s quantifiable effects on the dependent variable
vs. descriptive research design focuses on the selection of levels of an ______ IV and the measurement of the DV to asses differences of dev trends in the DV
attribute IV
Define between-subject design
the performances of separate groups of subjects are measured and comparisons are made between the groups.
Different groups of subjects are exposed to different treatments or levels of the IV
What are the characteristics of between-subjects design ?
IV applied to experimental group but not control group
Need equivalence of both groups
Random assignment to groups (best for large groups)
Subject matching (match members of two groups)
T/F between subjects can be bivalent, multivalent, or parametric
What is bivalent?
Bivalent: one experimental group is compared to one control group to study the effect of the presence vs the absence of treatment
what is multivalent?
each of several experimental groups is exposed to a different value of the independent variable, such as length of session or duration of treatment, and the control group receives no treatment
what is parametric?
several groups can receive different values of the different IV in different combinations and can also be compared to a control group that receives no treatment
A major consideration in the eval of the design of between subjects experiments is the _______ of the exp and control groups
What is subject matching?
a technique for attempting to equate experimental and control groups in between subjects experimental designs
it attempts to match the members of the two groups on all extraneous variables considered relevant to the experiment.
What is group equivalence?
equivalence between the experimental and control subjects in all respects except for the varied distribution of the IV within these groups.
What are two techniques use d to attempt to equate experimental and control groups?
randomization and matching
what is subject randomization?
the assignment of subjects to experimental and control groups on a random basis
ensures each subjects has an equal probability of being assigned either to the experimental or control group