Chapter 4 - Prices: Free, Controlled, and Relative Flashcards
Price Ceiling
mandated maximum price above
which legal trades cannot be made
* Results (if set below equilibrium
− Shortages
− Few exchanges
− Nonprice rationing devices
Price Floor
A government-mandated
minimum price below which legal
trades cannot be made
* Results (if set above equilibrium
− Surpluses
− Few exchanges
− Nonprice rationing devices
Absolute (money price)
The price of a good in money terms
Relative Price
The price of a good in terms of another good
Absolute and Relative price (example)
Suppose the absolute price of a car is $30,000 and the absolute price of a
computer is $2,000
− Then the relative price of the car (in terms of computers) is 15 computers; a
person gives up the opportunity to buy 15 computers when buying a car