Chapter 4: Positioning Apparatus Flashcards
Drivers/operator should be well-trained and knowledgeable in ________ & ________.
Local policies
The pumper’s primary function is to: (2)
Provide water directly for fire streams
Support other pumpers or aerial apparatus
___________: The act of preparing to manage an incident at a particular location or particular type of incident before an incident occurs.
Pre incident planning
___________: The ongoing evaluation of influential factors at the scene of an incident.
________: The person in charge of the ICS and responsible for the management of all incident operations during an emergency.
The ________ of the initial company and orders from the IC, will set the scene for later arriving apparatus to support.
Apparatus should be placed: (3)
In a safe position
In the best tactical advantage
With an exit route
When positioning the apparatus, the driver/operator should pull the apparatus past the front of the building when _________ to view 3 sides of the building.
No fire is present
In rescue situations, life safety is the first tactical priority. Position the apparatus facilitate the most effective deployment of ________.
Ground ladders
For __________, position the apparatus so that fire streams can be deployed to protect the _______. Consider the apparatus as a potential _________.
The _______ is the primary concern of the driver/operator. Supply lines should be laid where they are accessible to later arriving apparatus.
Water supply
If using hand lines or portable master streams, the pumper must be positioned in close proximity. If a fixed appliance is to be operated, position in a safe location. This is known as the __________.
Method of attack
Position ________ of an incident whenever possible. This may negate the need for the driver to wear protective breathing apparatus. It also reduces the possibility of becoming an exposure.
With wildland fires, position ________ of the main body of fire.
They collapse zone of at least ______ times the height of the building is recommended. ________ may be advantageous and are generally the safest position.
Indicators of building collapse: (4)
Buildings with reinforcement rods (ornamental stars or bolts)
Bulging walls
Traveling exterior cracks
Falling bricks
__________ can dictate the position of apparatus on the fire ground.
Overhead utility lines
Be aware of falling to debris. Personnel operating within _______ feet of the base of a high-rise fire may need to be protected from falling glass and debris.
Blocking ________ for aerial apparatus can seriously jeopardize the outcome of an incident.
If the building is less than _____ floors tall, the attack pumper is positioned closest to the building.
If the building is more than 5 floors tall, the __________ is position closest to the building.
Aerial apparatus
__________ due to distance and elevation or major considerations.
Friction loss
A pumper should be positioned as close as possible to the ________. This is best determine through preincident planning.
Water source
_________: to shuttle water between a source an emergency scene using mobile water supply apparatus.
Drivers should not _________ a non-potable water supply and a potable water supply.
__________: The process of acquiring water from a static source and transferring it into a pump that is above the sources level.
__________: a supply of water at rest that does not provide a pressure head for fire suppression but may be employed as a suction source for fire pumps.
Static water supply
Limiting _______ is of critical importance in achieving the best possible discharge capabilities.
Any personnel working near the edge of bodies of water are required to wear a _________.
Personal flotation device (PFD)
__________: permanently installed pipe that has pumper suction connections installed at static water sources to speed drafting operations.
Dry hydrant
Only _______ intake hose that has been designated to withstand positive pressure should be connected to a fire hydrant.
Use _______ connections to avoid blocking the street with the apparatus. The driver must stop a few feet short of being in line with the hydrant.
Side intake
__________ intake hose connections are the preferred type of hose for hydrants. They are common in _______ foot lengths.
Large diameter
To minimize hose kink, put a _________ twist in the hose when making the connection between the pumper and hydrant.
Connect to a ________ when the maximum flow from a hydrant is not required or large diameter hose is not available.
2 1/2 in. hydrant outlet
_________: operation where a strong hydrant is used to supply to pumpers by connecting the pumpers intake to intake. The second pumper receives the excess water not being pumped by first pumper.
Dual pumping
__________: short relay operation in which the pumper taking water from the supply source pumps into the intake of the second bumper; the second pumper boosts the pressure of the water even higher.
Tandem pumping
The tandem pumping method is used when pressure higher than the capability of a single pump are required. Pumpers may be located up to _______ feet apart.
Relay pumping increases the ______of water.
Tandem pumping increases the water ________.
When positioning apparatus at wildland fires, drivers should _______ apparatus into position.
Any wildland fire attack should begin with the apparatus positioned in an __________.
Anchor point
___________: an area from which a fire line is begun; usually a natural or man-made berries that prevents fire spread and the possibility of a crew being flanked while constructing the fire line.
Anchor point
A ________ should be deployed and charged for protection of the apparatus.
Short handline
During wildland fire attack, the vehicle should be position facing the direction of an exit path with its: (3)
Front wheels straight
Wheels chalked
Emergency brake engaged
________: The ability of an apparatus to traverse a body of standing water.
For apparatus capable of mounting a mobile wildland fire attack, hose line should be kept short in order to facilitate ________.
_______: The act of making a fire safer after it’s controlled by extinguishing or removing bring material along or near the control line.
Mop up
___________: used on all multi company emergency responses. The first arriving vehicles of each type proceed directly to the scene, and all others standby a block or two away and await orders.
Level I Staging
_________: used on large-scale incidents where a large number of companies are responding; these companies are sent to specific remote location to await assignment.
Level II Staging
_________: A location at which the primary incident management logistic functions are coordinated and administered.
Apparatus should not travel opposing the normal flow of traffic on highways or ramps unless:
The police have closed the road to traffic
The US department of transportation manual of uniform traffic control devices advises that emergency vehicle warning lights should be used as necessary to reach the incident, but once on scene, their use should be _________.
Reduced as much as possible
Consideration should be given to reduce the amount of _______ displayed to reduce interference with oncoming drivers.
Forward facing lights
________: A system of barriers surrounding designated areas at emergency scenes, intended to limit the number of persons exposed to hazard and facilitate it’s mitigation.
Hazard-Control Zones
Controls on may be _______ or _______ with the changing dynamics of an incident.
__________: A potentially hazardous area immediately surrounding the incident site; requires appropriate protective clothing and equipment and other safety precautions for entry. Typically limited to technician level personnel.
Hot Zone
_________: an area that usually contains the decontamination corridor. Also called the limited access zone or yellow zone.
Warm Zone
_________: A safe area where equipment and personnel are not expected to become contaminated and special protective clothing is not required.
Cold Zone
Fire department personnel must consider all railroad tracks _______.
Apparatus should never be positioned on ________.
Railroad tracks
Apparatus should maintain a clear zone of at least ______ feet from the railroad tracks to prevent contact with objects on the railroad cars.
Driver/operator’s should position their apparatus for the _______ and ________ use of the featured apparatus.
Most advantageous