Chapter 4 Positioning Apparatus Flashcards
The act of preparing to manage an incident at a particular location or a particular type of incident before incident occurs.
Pre-incident planning
I’m going evaluation of influential factors at the scene of an incident.
Size up
Person in charge of the incident command system and responsible for the management of all into an operations during an emergency.
Incident commander(IC)
T or F: Pull the apparatus past the front of the building if feasible when arriving at an incident were no fire is evident. This position allows personnel on the apparatus to view three sides of the building.
Attempt to position apparatus _______ of an incident whenever possible.
Apparatus and personnel should be _______ of the main body of fires as wildland fires move uphill faster on flat terrain or downhill.
Apparatus and personnel should maintain a collapse zone of at least ______ times the height of any building determined likely to collapse.
One and a half
T or F: Indicators that factor into the incident commander‘s decision to withdraw firefighters and apparatus from an area or building include buildings with reinforced rods which may be identified by ornamental stars or bolts those with bulging walls traveling exterior cracks and falling bricks.
Depending on the incident, apparatus, equipment, and personnel operating within______ ft of the base of a high-rise fire may need to be protected from falling glass and debris.
If the building is less than five stories tall the _______is placed inside the aerial closest to the building
If the building is more than five stories tall the ______apparatus is placed inside the pumper closest to the building
Point at which the fire department can connect into a sprinkler or standpipe system to boost the water pressure and flow in the system. Disconnection consist of a clappered Siamese with two or more 2 1/2 inch intakes or one large diameter intake.
Fire department connection(FDC)
To shuttle water between a source and an emergency scene using mobile water supply apparatus
Process of acquiring water from a static source in transferring it into a pump that is above the source level, atmospheric pressure on the water surface forces of water into the pump were a partial vacuum was created.
Supply of water at rest that does not provide a pressure head for fire suppression may be employed as a suction source for fire pumps, for example, water and a Reservoir pond or cistern.
Static water supply
Permanently install pipe that has pumper suction connections installed at static water source to speed drafting operations. It consist of an intake hose connection on the shore and a length of pipe extend it into the water with a strainer on the end
Dry hydrants
Howe used to connect a Fire Department pump or a portable pump to a nearby water source, maybe soft sleeved or hard suction hose.
Intake hose
Operations where a strong hydrant is used to supply to pumpers by connecting the pumpers intake to intake. The second pumper receives the excess water not being pumped by the first pumper, which is directly connected to the water source
Dual pumping
Short relay operations in which the pumper taking water from the supply source pumped into the intake of the second pumper, the second pumper than boost the pressure of the water even higher. This method is used when pressures higher than the capability of a single pump are required. This operation me also be used in situations where the attack pumper is located a relatively short distance from the water source, but a great distance from the fire.
Tandem pumping
In tandem pumping operations apparatus may be located up to ____ft apart.
Line area or zone were an undeveloped wild land area meet a human development area
Wild land/urban interface
Positioned the apparatus on the ________ side of the structure to minimize exposure to heat and blowing embers.
Leeward side
Pointe from which a fire line is begun, usually a natural or man-made barrier that prevents fire spread and the possibility of the crew being flanked while constructing the fire line. Examples include lakes,ponds, streams, roads, earlier Burns, Road slides and cliffs.
Anchor point
Ability of an apparatus to transverse a body of standing water. Apparatus specifications should list of specific water depth through which trucks must be able to drive.
Overhaul of a fire or hazardous material seen
Mop up
Standardized process or procedure by which available resources responding to a fire other emergency incidents are held in reserve a location away from the incident while awaiting assignment.
Used on all multiple company emergency response is the first arriving vehicle of each type proceed directly to the scene, and the other standby a block or two from the scene in await orders. You don’t usually stage at the last intersection on the route of travel before reaching they reported Incident location. This is often used on any multiunit response of two or more units.
Level 1 staging.
Used on large scale incidents Where a larger number of fire and emergency services companies are responding, these companies are sent to a specific remote location to await assignment.
Level 2 staging.
Company officer of the first arriving company at the staging who takes command of the area and is responsible for a communicating available resources and resource needs to the operation section chief.
Staging area manager
Location at which the primary Incidentmanagement logistics functions are coordinated and administered. The incident commander post may be co-located with the base. There is only one base Per incident.
T or F: Apparatus should not travel opposing the normal flow of traffic on highways or ramps unless the police have close the road to traffic.
System of barriers surrounding designated areas at emergency scenes, intend to limit the number of persons exposed to a hazard and to facilitate its mitigation. A major incident has three zones.
Hazard control zone
What are the three types of hazard control zones.
Restricted( Hot zone) Limited access ( warm zone) Support zone( cold zone)
Potentially hazardous area immediately surrounding the incident site, requires appropriate protective clothing and equipment and other safety precautions for entry. Typically limit to technician level personnel ( red zone)
Hot zone
Area between the hot and cold zones that usually contains the decontamination Corridor, Typically requires a lesser degree of personal protective equipment than the hot zone(yellow zone).
Warm zone
Safe area outside the warm zone where equipment and personnel or not expected to become contaminated in special protective clothing is not required, the incident command post and other support functions are typically located in this zone. (Green zone)
Cold zone
On average how long does it take to fully stop a train In the likelihood of an emergency situation.
1to 2 miles.