Chapter 4- Pavlovian Applications Flashcards
Describe how ohman and his colleagues conditioned fear responses to pictures of snakes
Had college students look at pictures of snakes until they had habituated or until the pictures had no emotional effect as measured by the galvanic skin response. Then the researchers paired pictures with electric shock to the hand which created a fear response to the sock, and soon the pictures also evoked a response even when the CS once again appeared alone
The use of Pavlovian conditioning to reverse the unwanted affects of prior conditioning
Example: pairing something that scares someone such as dogs with something pleasant or positive such as positive music
A procedure in which a phobic person imagines a very weak form of the frightening CS while relaxed.
A counter conditioning procedure in which feared stimuli are placed on a hierarchy or scale from least to most fearful. The therapist then gives the fearful individual relaxation training and prompts the client to imagine the least fearful stimulus in the hierarchy, while remaining relaxed. The therapist presents the feared stimuli and progressively more intense forms, encouraging the client to maintain a state of relaxation. The goal is for the feared stimulus to become a CS for relaxation
Systematic desensitization
A similar procedure to systematic desensitization except that real feared stimuli, rather than imagined stimuli, are presented
In vivo desensitization
A reduction in the rate of responding due to the non-contingent presentation of an aversive CS
Conditioned suppression
Provides a convenient measure of fear, the more a behaviour is suppressed by the conditional stimulus, the greater is the fear
Lever pressing that is paired with an electric shock as well as a tone will decrease the rate of lever pressing when the tone is present
Describe how Staats and Staats examine the development of ethnic prejudices due to Pavlovian conditioning and provide a theoretical example of a sentence or two from a hypothetical new story that could induce ethnic prejudices
College students watched as ethnic words, such as German, Italian, and French, flashed on the screen and repeated words spoken by the experimenter, some that were unemotional, but some ethnic words were paired with positive words, while other ethnic words were paired with negative words. For other students these words were reversed. Afterwords students rated each nationality on a scale and they found that certain words depended on the emotional value of the words with which they had been paired. If the word Dutch had appeared positive words such as happy and sacred, it got a more positive rating then when it appeared with negative words such as bitter and ugly.
It may be that much of the prejudice directed towards certain ethnic groups is a result of naturally occurring conditioning resembling this experiment.
Hypothetical news story headline: Two Christian students from Edmonton kill classmates spurred by hate
Emotionally charged words such as hate and kill are paired with the words designating a particular group, Christians, affecting our feelings towards members of that group
Explain how advertising uses Pavlovian conditioning methods.
Advertising agencies are interested in making objects arouse feelings of fondness on the assumption that people are more likely to buy things they like. Advertisements regularly pair products with stimuli that reliably elicit positive emotions. They may also pair competing products with items that arouse negative emotions
Describe Gorn’s study of the effects of musical advertising stimuli on product choice. Identify the US, the UR, the CS, and the CR in the study
College students listen either to a tune from the film Grease, which he assumed students would enjoy more, or to classical Indian music well viewing a slideshow of either a beige or a blue pen. When allowed to have one of the pens later those students who listened to the popular music (79%) chose a pen of the same colour they had seen while listening to the music; 70% of those who would listen to the Indian music chose a pen different in colour from the one they had seen on the slide
US: music
UR: enjoyment of music
CS: Colour of pen
CR: color of pen chosen
Describe the method and results of Stuart study of toothpaste advertising and identify the US, the UR, the CS, and the CR in the study
Had a college student view a number of slides, some depicting various fictitious products, and others depicting a variety of scenes that were known either to be neutral or two around positive feelings. For some students, the conditioning group, scenes that aroused good feelings regularly followed brand L toothpaste; for the other students, the scenes that followed brand L toothpaste were almost always neutral. After evaluating the students feelings about brand L toothpaste with four rating scales, students in the conditioning group rated brand L more positively than students in the control group and the more times the toothpaste and pleasant scene appeared together, the more positively the students felt about the product. They were also much more likely than controls to indicate a willingness to buy brand L toothpaste
US: scenes
UR: feelings aroused by scene
CS: Brand L toothpaste
CR: positive feelings about brand L
Incorrect love. Disapproved sexual activities
Describe the Freudian interpretation of the reasons why people become sexually aroused by unusual stimuli
Thought it was due to mysterious unconscious forces
Describe Pavlov study in which an aversive stimulus was established as a CS
Followed and electric shock with food, and the dog soon salivated in response to the shock. The shock became a CS for salivating. It is possible that masochism has a similar origin
A form of counterconditioning in which a CS is paired with an aversive US, often nausea-inducing drugs
Aversion therapy
Using Pavlovian conditioning terminology, explain how Maletzke treated exhibitionism
Has the patient imagine that he is about to perform the inappropriate behavior, and then present him with an extremely unpleasant odor. Treated 10 exhibitionist in this way. Just as the patient imagined that he was about to expose themselves, the therapist held the bottle of foul smelling acid under the patient’s nose and the result was a dramatic decline in the incidence of exhibitionism
US: acid
UR: aversion to acid
CS: exhibitionism
CR: reduced exhibitionism
An aversion, acquired through Pavlovian conditioning, to foods with a particular flavour
Conditioned taste aversion