Chapter 4 Pathways and Spaces Flashcards
Route Design Considerations
- Safety of Life
- Location
- Topography
- Local Restrictions (Climate)
- Cost
- Existing Infrastructure
- Future Development (site remediation)
OSP Preliminary Investigations to Consider
- Traffic
- Building Construction
- Road Improvements
- Landscaping
- Safety
- Work Site Access
- Future Maintenance
- Utilities
- Underground Streams
- Surface Restoration
- Soil Conditions
OSP Site Survey
- Inspect the cable route
- ROW and owner of pathway
- Pathway capacity
- Capcity of existing copper and fiber
- safety
- AHJ and pole owners
- Restoration Issues
Utility Color Code (Location marks)
White - Proposed Utility
Pink - Temp Survey Marks
Red - Electric
Yellow - Gas Oil Steam Petroleum
Orange - Communications
Blue - Potable Water
Purple - Reclaimed Water, Irrigation
Green - Sewer and Drain lines
Pathway Considerations
- Safety
- Alternative Routes
- Flagging painting pathway
- White Lining
- Test holes (potholes)
- Documentation
- Right-Of-Way
- Joint Use Occupancy
- Underground
- Direct Bury
- Aerial
Out-of-site services
Future use without disturbances
Physical cable protection
High initial costs
Require more detailed route planning
Provides a pathway for water, gases, and rodents into the building
Direct Buried
Out-of-site services
low initial installation cost compared to the Underground
easily bypasses obstructions
Not flexible for future growth
Not much protection
Difficult to locate
Provides a pathway for water, gases, and rodents into the building
Low installation cost
easily accessible for maintenance
Aesthetically displeasing
Susceptible to environmental damage
Susceptible to damage from public
Higher cost of ongoing maintenance
Name the 3 standard conduit systems
Types of Conduit Material
Types of Inner-duct
Fabric Mesh
3 methods of Trenching
Hand Dig
Back Hoe
Trenching Methods
Vibratory Plow
Static Plow
Rip Plow
3 Main types of Bores
Auger (Jack and Bore)
HDD (Horizontal Directional Bore)
Missile Bore (Impact Moling)
Excavation Evacuation
Hydro vac
Air Blade (nozzle)
Hydro flushing