Chapter 4- Nuisance Sex Behaviours Flashcards
nuisance sex behaviours
sexual acts that cause no obvious physical harm to the practitioner or the victim
deriving major sexual satisfaction from talking about or listening to talk about sex
compulsive interest in sexual matters
also known as VOYEURISM/VOYEURS.
- sexual arousal by looking at private or intimate scenes.
ex: watching porn– - - vs. sneaking it to view ppl naked
one popular source: internet
voyeur will usually look for scenes that can be invaded with the least difficulty. usually they dont try to interact with victim or communicate with them.
after the act happens, they go to a place where they can masturbate
voyeurs usually not exhibitionists.
usually have more than 1 paraphilia, but one is usually dominnant.
its a fantasy that provides script for their behaviour.
erotosexual condition of being recurrently responsive to and obsessively dependent on an unusual or unacceptable stimukus , in order to have an arousal and/or maintain it, and achieve/lead to arousal.
* according to DSM, this has to be for atleast 6 months. def DSM: sexual impulse disorders that are characterized by intensely arousing, recurrent sexual fantasies, urges and activities that are thought of as deviant with current cultural norms
voyeurism must contain a _ component
characteristics of the voyeur
sexually immature frustrated poor relations with father overprotective mom childhodd sexual trauma poor social and sexual skills low self-esteem and high self-criticm young and chronic masturbator
cause is not clear, could be social, biological, ec
types of prostitutes
exchange of sexual favors for monetary gain
- streetwalker: selects clients from curbs or street corners; has the most dangerous job - does not screen clients.
some work at clubs and strip bars. along with being a dancer she may be coerced or physically forced to work as a prostitute. –sometimes at the bar itself.
most prostitutes come from middle class homes.
prostitution on the internet
many find pics/videos of self with previous customers. leads to exploitation.
advertisment for sex takes many forms on the internet. ex. websites for massage parlors etc.
issues in determining cause of prostitute
child abuse [any type] plays an integral role in the etiology of MALE prostitute.
- many come from homes where there has been sexual abuse and many also involved in drugs/alcohol and also had relation with someone who served as their pimp.
type of scoptophilia; this paraphilia is a sexual pattern in which erotic stimulation is gained by watching self or self with others in a sexual scene.
gain arousal by watching self;
could also be two couples having sex infront of eachother and watching.
forcing ones partner to expose himself or herself to become sexually involved with others [swinging]
types of swingers; its their preoccupation with sex that seperates them from others.
usually men coerce their wives into swinging but its the wife who wants to continue
open: join national and local swing clubs and have a large range of sexual partners.
closed- have sexual experiences with only a few ppl; usually personal acquianances.
what have studies found about couples who swing?
couples that swing report better sexual experiences than regular couples.
whats happened to rate of swinging?
it has decreased but has been increasing again in last couple years.
cause of voyeurism and paraphilias
unsure; maybe its due to being exposed to by accident a naked body w/o consent
treatment for voyeurism
unknown, but maybe behavioural counselling - drugs have shown little promise.
deliberate exposure of ones genitals under inappropriate circumstances.
age of exhibitionists
young and usually start in teens.
why do exhibitionisrts expose themselves?
unclear but one theory states that its the act of exposure with masturbation that reduces STRESS
the excitement comes from the exposure
another theory says its a way of lashing out at women;
lastly, exhibitionist has large feelings on insecurity and inadequacy and needs to affirm these feelings.
goal- degrade and shock viewers, the sexual act to them is not the intercourse BUT EXPOSURE.
usually heterosexual male
dresses clothes of other sex bc of sexual reasons
later on.. do it to reduce STRESS. may find female world less stressful
usually starts cross dressing at an early age!
cause of transvestitism
unknnown; maybe b/c believe less pressure in female life and they feel at peace?
has gender personal identity issues; biologically one gender and feel like another gender.
what does transgendered mean?
it refers to someone whos gender identity is diff than their biological sex.
and why do ppl engage in it?
interested in sexual play that involves the partner dressing up as a helpless infant ex. wear diapers, drink from bottles etc.
has a component of stress relief assocaited with it
make obscene telephone calls; acts are more aggressive than exhhibitionism [where expose ones genitals at inappropriate times/situations]
sexual excitement is gained from the convo between the persons on the line and not from actual genital sex.
describe most scatophiliacs
ppl who get off on telephone calls; usually males who feel inadequate and have trouble developing relationships and have experienced isolation and felt like their mothers never loved them and their dads are ‘supermen’
just like exhibitionists , they want their victims to be shocked, traumatized etc. this reaction is essential for erotic arousal and for orgasm.
types of callers
obscene, anonymous, humurous etc. obscene callers usually dial random numbers and they rarely ever make contact with person they talk to. professional narrators have made things easier for the obscene callers.
there are also obscene letter writers–
is sending obscene mail a federal offense?
yes, in the US.
who is a frotteur ?
what is frottage also known as?
paraphiliac who realizes that he gains sexual gratification from rubbing certain body parts againts others bodies.
usually occurs when the person, usually stranger, is in a public place.
these individuals usually have strong fantasies that are followed by a strong urge to touch others. these fantasies usually have something to do with the partner wanting an actual affectionate and caring relationship with the offender; usually accompanied by pornography of this sot.
how does frottage work
is he dangerous to society?
the offender usually chooses a victim who matches his ideal type and this person is usually in tight clothes and and sexually attractive. the offender then rubs his gentials againts the victims thighs or butt. or he fondles her gentials or breasts.
this usually begins in adolescence and mostly between ages 15- 25. mostly in males, who are intellegient and belong to middle or upper class.
not usually a danger to society; but there isnt much optomism for change/treatment
how does someone become involved in klismaphilia?
sexual arousal linked with receiving an anema either fantasy or in reality;
dont really know how they become involved but may have to do with having a history of too much anemas in the infancy of those who practice this as adults.
praticed by both men and women; and also - may be used to replace intercourse for some.
can usually lead a normal life – usually practice privately
sex with animals
came from a long time ago- in Ancient Greece.
whats formicophilia?
sexual arousal from small creatures ; ants, nails, snails – crawling on individuals nipples or gentials.
zoophilia / zooeroticism
deriving/seeking sexual satisfaction from relatipms with animals
form physical but NONCOITAL sexual contacts with animals.
sexual attraction to a doll or mannequin or statue.
may be ppl who are unable to relate personally and sexually to other humans.
typical profile
whats sadistic gerontosexuality?
use of an elderly individual for sexual purposes.
obsessive personality, history of enuresis till about age 25, lack of interest in younger women, inability to contain impulses, tendency to be viollent and aggressive
when a young man assault an elderly woman
when women engage in this its usually for economic purposes!
stronger threat to life when dealing with older poplns
mysophilia ; automusophilia
erotic interest in filth. ; sexual arousal from being filthy or dirty.
corprolagnia and urolagnia
– is a form of mysophilia [attraction to filth or dirt]
erotic gratification associated with feces and urine
practicing urolagnia : one person urinating into the mouth or onto the body of another person. – called golden showers in the homosexual community.
corpolagnia - defecation for sexual purposes; DANGEROUS b/c of bacteria in feces and other health hazards.
sexual attraction to urine