Chapter 1 : Sex behaviours and crimes in the US Flashcards
who is ted bundy
he is a serial killer
culture of a society
is the normative system of behaviour instructing persons on the proper way to behave
sexual predator
person convicted of or pleaded guilty of commiting a sexual oriented offense and who is likely to commit them in the future
habitual sex offender
determined by the sentenced court to have previously commited or plead guilty to one or more sexually oritented offense
sexually oriented offender
person who has been convincted of or pleaded guilty to commiting a sexually oriented offense
folkways and provide example
normal habitual ways of behaving or ‘good manners’ ex. girl walk before men into doors
who responsible for teaching kids about folkways?
parents and other social institutions
mores and provide example
behaviours that if they are violated would lead to the destruction of society. laws that forbid these behaviours! b/c destroy the moral fabric of society. so formally they are the behaviours and customs that must be followed to prevent the desctruction of soceity. EX. murder
sexual gratification from drinking blood
leg fetish
sex drive oriented towards and sexual gratification from the same sex
when did the topic of homosexuality actually come to be discussed and debated?
gay liberation movement
tea rooms
rooms used for impersonal sex
penetration of any organ except the vagina ex. ears, anus etc.
types of homosexuals
secret, blatant, adjusted, institutional, homosexual prostitute, homosexual pedophile
secret homosexual
is homosexual but keeps his orientation hidden from others,
blatant homosexual
a homosexual who in the way he dresses, acts, manerisms, etc. makes NO ATTEMPT TO DISGUISE the fact that he is gay. invites identification and labelling by attending places such as gay bars for ex.
adjusted homosexual
homosexual who is content with being gay. has accepted his sexual orientation and does not suffer due to his/her choice of partners. if asked, they may readily admit that they are gay ,but dont FLAUNT their homosexuality like the blatant homosexual.
institutional homosexual
homosexual who doesn’t have self image of being gay. they become involved in homosexual practices because of the situation/environment they find themselves in. ex. jail,s military etc. where they have no access to the other sex. usually, when removed from the institution, they are heterosexual.
homosexual prostitute
male who offers sexual favors to other males for money. mostly age 15-17, usually come from lower SES societies and have suffered physical abuse as children, MOTIVATION=MONETARY GAINS
homosexual pedophile
wants to have sex with only same sex childredn
how do we determine what is normal?
using sexual standards including the statistical standard, cultural, religious and subjective standards
statistical standard for sex
ex. if more than 50% of the popln practice certain sexual behaviours, then they are normal. can be dangerous b/c it cane makes thinking like breaking laws, “normal” ex. majority teenage girls shop lift – is this normal? problematic b/c it doesnt take into account any sense of socially correct or incorrect things
roman shower
vomitting on parter after consuming wine or drinking urine
cultural standard
society has a set of normal rules and regulations that take form of laws, statues, and ordinances. violations of these or transgressions usually lead to some form of puishment.
folkways, laws,, moores and institutions control behaviour.
legally sanctioned folkways and moores
how do we learn cultural standards?
family first cradle for learning about these experiences, , then friends, religious institutions and other sources provide cultural information.
religious normalcy
standard for sexual normalcy. back in the day, religion played an important role in developing the value systems of soceity and individuals.
subjective standard
standard for normalcy of sexual behaviours.
usually the most important in a persons life. this defines for a person the appropriateness of his/her actions and how these actions fall in the normal range of behaviours for this person at this stage of their lives.
what are the 4 elements in sexual behaviour?
fantasy, symbolism, ritualism and compulsion
in order for us to be sexual, we need to have a fantasy ; to be sexually involved
being involved sexually with oneself
symbolism as a element of sexual behaviour
think of sexual symbolism, you think of partialism and fetish’s and also visual previews of sex. ex. seeing people fully clothed vs. partially clothed vs. naked
inanimate object to which one has attached sexual feelings ex. bra,stockings etc.
an isolated body part to which sexual feelings have been attached ex. breasts, buttocks etc. most people have partialisms ; when it gets to the pt where the partialism must be involved or the fetish must be involved in any sexual encounter, then you have an unhealthy attraction
sex offenders are usually ritualistic ;
this happens with partners who have been together for some time so for ex. with h, he has specific mannerisms which make it obvious that he is sexually receptive at the time.
with sex offenders, the ritualism has gotten to the point of addiction in many cases. with ritualism, the sex acts often have to be performed in the same fashion and the same sequence ; if not done as ‘the script provides’ the act has been either abandoned or started over.
feeling that you cant control; compulsive feelings are what launch killers into action
all sexually active persons have the 4 elements of sex; compulsion, symbolism, fantasy and ritualism. what distinguishes normal sex from crimes?
when a person is only sexual when the partialism or fetish is there; when compulsivity is overwheleming to the pt where they dont have emotions/care for their partner, when certain scripts must be followed and if they are not, it causes problems to their sexcual functioning; and when fantasy centres on the dehumanization or torture or murder of helpless victims