Chapter 10 Flashcards
Sexual Sadism
Used to be thought of as rare but is a very serious sex crime and actually happens often. considered more serious that rape or child molestation. basically it is when you use a dead body to take our your sexual desire.
Sexual gratification from arranging ones own death at the hands of another person
Places that hold great interest for necrophiliacs
funerals, cemeteries, morgues and autopsies
how does the DSM describe necropilia
atypical paraphilia / when you have sexual intercourse with a corpse
what is bug chasing?
sexual practice where men who test positive want to be infected with HIV and hunt for hit.
why? well the greater the risk the greater the thrill apparently.
other issues associated with necrophilia
alcoholism, impotency, hypersexuality, severe mental health issues, and hallucinations and grandiosity
types of necrophilias
there are 3 types: first one only fantasizes about these things, second one, has sex with someone who is AlREADY dead and the last one is the necrosadistic offender who kills to have sex with someone who is dead.
has attraction to corpses and though the fantasy includes having sex with someone who is dead, they prefer alive partners
genuine necrophiliac [3 subtypes]
homocidial- kills to have sex, 2) regular- uses already dead bodies 3) necrophiliac fantasy offfender : just fantasizes about having sex with the dead
large majority of individuals who are necrophiliacs have __ disorders
cause of necrophilia
no one knows the cause of necrophilia ; some say its a desire to reenter the body of mother .. or fixation.
do necropheliacs like women?
many have a hatred for women and the dead body decreases the worth of the woman ; and also it could be the helplessness of the the corpse that may enter into an offenders decision to assault the body
some necrophilials discuss their attraction to vampirism. sadism, cannabalism and fascination with blood all combined into a vampire. – has to do with draining life force from someones body. pathological fantasy assocaited with blood sexuality and death.
sexual arousal from having power over someone
inflicting pain is __ to the sadist
some findings suggest that over half of sadists are also __
traits of a sadist
domination over their victims
total control over victims
humiliation of their victims
sadist sexual violence commited againts their victims
lack of guilt or shame during their acts
lack of any remorse or guilt over what they have done
some other traits of a sadist
suffer from psychosis, antisocial personality disorders, have several paraphilias, have emotional detachment from others, and suprisingly, havent suffered early trauma
inward directed dangerous sex crime - where you torture your own body for sexual pleasure ex. piercing genitals ; sometimes even erotic tattooing
cause of the infibulator
abuse by relatives as a child; long and intense sexual confusion; masochistic relations with and submission to women; strong female identification, penis repudiation [either feeling like have no penis or diminshed its worth] and depression that is relieved by mutilating oneself.
cause of infibulator
combination of biological, psychological and social factors as well as culture
involvement in sexual behaviours without a partner ex. masturbating
masturbating advantages
actually shows that if you masturbate, more likely to have a higher number of sexual partners and enjoy it more
is there evidence of relation between masturbation and physical injury?
types of autoeroticism
erotic asphyxiation, chemical eroticism, aquaeroticism
autoeroticism practiced mainly by
mainly by men
what is erotic asphyxiation
tries to block the flow of oxygen to brain to heighten sexual pleasure
typical profile of a erotic asphyxia
young, white male, usually under 30, unmarried overachiever in school and work shy with opposite sex neat and clean in appearnace typically good physical condition may have some suciidal tendencies often a churchgoer upwardly mobile socially and occupationally introvert and introspective social loner feels shame about his/her behaviour may be viewed as intelligent
when investigating a crime scene of erotic asphyxia what may be present?
mirrors viewing back to the corpose pornography on scene evidence of symetrical bonding collateral evidenec of diaries, videos and writings, rope burn from past episodes - if male, often crossdressed - position of know in middle of the back of neck object insertion in anal opening videos of self-practice
what is aquaerotic asphyxiation
using water and drowning for sexual pleasure
induce partial drowning to enhance sexual excitement
- its very rare
eroticized form or arson [setting fires]
do pyromaniacs suffer from a disorders?
yes potentially suffer from compulsive impulsive control disorder
requirements to be classified as a pyromaniac
must be a clear pattern of fire setting that is preceded by a feeling of tension and followed y a sense of psychological release once the act has been committed ; their must be an EROTIC MOTIVE!
characteristics of a typical pyromaniac
typically young, between 16-28 and white male, theyve also experienced sexual frustration and tension which leads to the compulsion to start a fire
usually are able to confess easily but they express no remorse or regret for their behaviour ; they are also often ritualistic ; fires are usually made hastely and are disorganized
common characteristics of a pyromaniac
many suffered physical abuse as children, have poor parental relationships and severe conduct disorders.