Chapter 4 - National Health Priority Areas Flashcards
Autoimmune disease:
A disease caused by the body’s immune system attacking normal body cells.
An anxiety related disorder where the individual fears leaving environments that they know well (particularly their home).
Abnormal cells that do not invade and destroy nearby healthy tissue (non-cancerous).
Direct costs:
Costs associated with providing health services such as diagnosis and treatment to people as a result of a particular condition.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP):
An indicator of the wealth of a country, the market value of all goods and services produced in a country in a given year.
Health promotion:
The process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve, their health.
Indirect costs:
Costs not directly related to diagnosis and treatment of the disease, but occur as a result of the person having the disease, such as a loss of productivity.
Intangible costs:
Things that cannot be measured physically or with a monetary measure, such a pain and suffering.
Job control:
How much say an individual has on how they do their job, whether they feel their opinions are valued within their workplace, and how much influence they have over the direction their career takes.
Key stakeholders:
People, groups and organisations who are involved in or affected by a course of action.
Abnormal cells that invade and destroy nearby healthy tissue.
When cancer has spread from one site to another.
Modifiable risk factors:
Factors that increase the risk of developing a condition that can be controlled or treated in some way. For example diet and exercise patterns can be changed to avoid developing obesity, and therefore seen as modifiable risk factors.
National Health Priority Areas (NHPAs):
A collaborative initiative endorsed by the Commonwealth Government and all state and territory governments. The NHPA initiative seeks To focus the health sector’s attention on diseases and conditions that have a major impact on the health of Australians. The NHPAs represent the disease groups with the largest burden of disease and potential costs (direct, indirect and intangible) to the Australian community.
From Greek, neo = ‘new’ and plasia = ‘tissue’. A new and abnormal growth of tissue in some part of the body.
Residential care:
Long-term care given to a person in a residential setting as opposed to their own home.
Spatial awareness:
The ability to judge where one’s body is relative to other objects in the immediate environment.
A mark of shame or disgrace associated with a trait deemed to be socially unacceptable.
A group or cluster of abnormal cells.