Chapter 4 (MT2) Flashcards
How Neurons use Electrical Signals to Transmit Information
What three questions did Descartes’ (incorrect) theory of information flow isolate?
(1) How do our nerves detect a sensory stimulus and inform the brain about it?
(2) How does the brain decide what response to make?
(3) How does the brain command muscles to move?
The flow of electrons from a body with a higher charge (more electrons) to one of lower charge (less electrons)
Electrical stimulation
Passing an electrical current from the uninsulated tip of an electrode onto a nerve to produce behaviour— a muscular contraction
When a single axon is stimulated, it produces a wave of excitation - what three things allowed us to record the wave and determine how it is produced?
Giant axon of the squid (~cm)
Oscilloscope (sensitive enough to measure tiny electrical signals)
Development of microelectrodes (small enough to place on/in an axon)
What are embedded in semipermeable membranes that contribute to electrical activity?
Ion channels
Neuronal electrical activity
The movement of ions through channels across membranes
What conveys information throughout the nervous system?
Waves of electrical activity along membranes (allowed by the electrical activity in neurons)
What does the intracellular and extracellular in/around a neuron contain - all of which contribute to forming the resting potential?
Protein molecules (-)
What factors influence the movement of anions and cations into/out of the cells?
Concentration gradient
Voltage gradient
Natural (no energy required) process of molecules to spread out from an area of high concentration to low concentration
Resting potential
The inside of the membrane at rest is −70 mV relative to the extracellular side
The charge is a store of potential energy called the resting potential
How does the semipermeable membrane contribute to maintaining the resting potential?
(1) Membrane is relatively impermeable to large molecules, so A- remain inside the cell
(2) Gated Na+ channels keep out Na+, and ungated K+ and Cl- allow K+ and Cl- to pass freely
(3) Na/K pumps force out Na+ from the intracellular fluid and bring in K+ (2 K+ in for 3 Na+ out)
What does the unequal distribution of different ions in the axon cause?
Causes the inside of the axon to be relatively negatively charged
Graded potentials
Small voltage fluctuations across the cell membrane
Increase in electrical charge across a membrane (more negative, eg. -70 to -73 mV)
- caused by an efflux of K+ ions or an influx of Cl- ions
Decrease in electrical charge across a membrane (more positive, eg. -70 to -65 mV)
- caused by an influx of Na+ ions
How long do graded potentials last?
A few milliseconds
Action potential
A brief but very large reversal in an axon membrane’s polarity, that lasts about 1 ms (many can occur within one second)
- intracellular side becomes positive relative to the extracellular side
What causes an action potential?
A large concentration of Na+ and then K+ cross the membrane rapidly (combined flow of Na/K)
- depolarization due to Na+ influx, then hyperpolarization due to K+ efflux
- Na+ rushes in, then K+ rushes out
Threshold potential
Voltage on a neural membrane at which an action potential is triggered, happens when the cell membrane is depolarized to -50 mV
What causes the upper limit for how frequently action potentials can occur?
Na and K channels
Absolutely refractory
An axon cannot produce another action potential if it is stimulated during either the depolarization or repolarization phase
Relatively refractory
An action potential can be induced if the axon membrane is SUFFICIENTLY (second stimulation must be greater than the first) stimulated during the hyperpolarization phase
Nerve impulse
Each action potential propagates another action potential on the adjacent axon membrane
All-or-none law
Action potentials do not dissipate - the size and shape of action potential remains constant (either generated completely or not at all)
What do refractory periods do?
Limits the frequency of action potentials to one every 5 ms, or 200 per second
Prevent action potentials from reversing direction (they can travel in either direction, but are limited to one direction)
Produced by oligodendroglia (CNS) and Schwann cells (PNS)
Speed up neural impulses
Nodes of ranvier
Uninsulated regions of axon that enable saltatory conduction
(action potentials cannot occur where it is wrapped in myelin)
Saltatory conduction
Action potentials jump from node to node, increasing speed up to 120 m/s
Consequences of myelin propagating action potentials
Propagation becomes energetically cheaper
Myelin improves conduction speed
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
MS results from a loss of myelin produced by oligodendroglia cells in the CNS. It disrupts the affected neurons’ ability to propagate action potentials via saltatory conduction. This loss of myelin occurs in patches, and scarring frequently results in the affected areas (hard scar/plaque forms at site of myelin loss, impaired functioning).
How neurons receive information
Receiving neurons are bombarded with excitatory and inhibitory signals - through over 50,000 connections via dendritic spines, the cell body can also receive inputs
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
Brief depolarization of a neuron membrane in response to stimulation
- small, move in same direction as action potential, toward the threshold (eg. -70 to -65 mV)
- depolarized neuron is more likely to produce an action potential
- associated with influx of Na+
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)
Brief hyperpolarization of a neuron membrane in response to stimulation
- more negative, away from -50 mV threshold
- hyperpolarized neuron is less likely to produce an action potential
- associated with influx of Cl-, or an efflux of K+
Temporal summation
The relationship between two EPSP’s or IPSP’s occuring close together or even at the same time (from a single neuron)
Spatial summation
Occurs when two separate inputs (i.e. multiple neurons) are very close to each other both on the cell membrane and in time
What does a neuron do with inputs?
It sums all inputs that are close together in time and space
- neuron analyzes inputs before deciding what to do
- ultimate decision is made at the initial segment (the region on the axon that initiates the action potential)
How does summation relate to action potential?
To produce an action potential, the summed graded potentials—the IPSPs and EPSPs—on the cell body membrane must depolarize the membrane at the initial segment to − 50 mV
Summary statement of how neurons transmit information as electrical signals
An action potential is generated, and then the impulse flows down an axon to the synapse