Chapter 4 - Maxims of Income Tax Planning Flashcards
What is Tax Planning?
The structuring of transactions to reduce tax costs or increase tax savings to maximize the NPV of the transaction.
What are Income Tax Planning Maxims?
Basic principles that are the foundation for many planning techniques.
What is Tax Avoidance?
Legitimate means to reducing taxes paid.
What is Tax Evasion?
Illegal means to reduce taxes paid. It is a federal crime and punishable be severe monetary fines and imprisonment.
When might the IRS think something is tax evasion as opposed to just tax avoidance?
When they perceive the taxpayer has crossed the line between a good faith effort to reduce taxes and a willful attempt to defraud the U.S. government.
The tax consequences of a transaction depend on the interaction of which four variables common to all transactions?
- The entity variable: Which entity undertakes the transaction?
- The time period variable: During which tax year or years does the transaction occur?
- The jurisdiction variable: In which tax jurisdiction does the transaction occur?
- The character variable: What is the tax character of the income from the transaction.
What two (general) entities pay tax on business income?
Individuals and corporations
Why aren’t trusts and estates counted as entities that pay tax on business income?
While they are taxable entities, they don’t routinely engage in the active conduct of business.
Who is the income taxed for for the following business types: Proprietorship Partnership LLC S corporation
- Proprietor
- Partners
- Members
- Shareholders.
Generally, what does the amount of taxable income derived from a business activity not depend on?
The type of entity conducting the business.
If the tax law is essentially neutral across entities with respect to tax base, why do the tax consequences of business transactions depend on which entity undertakes the transaction?
Because of the potential difference between applicable tax rates.
What does Section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code provide?
The tax rate structure for individuals.
How many income brackets are there in the tax rate structure for individuals?
What does Section 11 of the Internal Revenue Code provide?
The tax rate structure for corporations (completely different than those for individuals).
What is the first income tax planning maxim?
Tax costs decrease (and cash flow increase) when income is generated by an entity subject to a low tax rate.
Basically, what does that choice of organizational form determine in relation to taxes?
Whether the business income will be taxed a the individual rates or the corporate rates.
What does the maxim of ‘Tax costs decrease (and cash flow increase) when income is generated by an entity subject to a low tax rate.’ imply?
That the tax on a business income can be reduced if that income is shifted from an entity with a high tax rate to an equity with a low tax rate. (Income Shifting)
Besides income shifting, how else can entities with different marginal tax rates save tax?
Deduction Shifting - moving a deductible expense from a an entity with a low marginal tax rate to one with a higher marginal tax rate.
Who does income shifting us usually occur between?
Because they involve transfers of value from one party to another they usually occur between related parties. After the income shift the parties in the aggregate are financially better off by the tax savings from the transaction.
When might the IRS disallow a transaction between two related companies?
When the transaction serves no genuine purpose besides tax avoidance, thereby disallowing the tax consequences intended by the parties.
What is the Supreme Court’s decision on who pays the taxes on an income?
The income must be taxed to the person who earns it, even if another person has a legal right to the wealth represented by the income (giving $10,000 income to kid to avoid the tax hit is not allowed)
What is the Assignment of Income Doctrine?
Income must be taxed by the entity that renders the service or owns the capital with respect to which the income is paid.
With regard to the time period variable, what does the tax costs of savings from a transaction depend upon?
The year in which the transaction occurs.
How can people reduce their tax cost or increase the tax saving received in respect to time?
By controlling the timing of transactions.