chapter 4 Lesson 4 Flashcards
Ruler of ancient Egypt
Time of rule
Country areas
QUEEN Hatshepsut
Sent armies it to Nubia
Thutmose III
Hatshepsut son
Reached its greatest size
Amenthop IV
Thought of one god Aton
Built huge temples
Died at 18 gold tomb
Ramses the Great
Ruled 65 years
Built huge temples
when dd the new kingdom begin?
- 1552 BC
what does “pharaoh” mean?
1 great house
what kingdom did egypts first full time army begin during?
1 new
under the new kingdom - where did egypt conquer?
1 Nubia
what did Queen Hatshepsut demend her conquered lands do?
1 pay a tribute
where did Queen Hatshepsut send traders?
what did they receive in trade?
1 red sea
2 animal skins. Myrrh. Trees. Ebony. Gold
during the new kingdom did they build temples?
1 yes
2 to honor the gods
what changes did Nefertiti bring?
1 on god
how was tut buried?
1 covered In gold
who made the new kingdom prosperous?
1 thutmose III
who fought the Hittities?
1 Ramses the Great
WHy was egypt declining in 1215bc?
1 losing land. Invaders
what was the structure of Egyptian society?
1 pharaoh 2 royal family priests nobles 3 craft workers merchant scribes 4 farmers unskilled workers 5slaves
where did the slave come from?
1 prisoners of war
where did most egyptians live?
1 rural areas
role of women in egypt?
1 hold down the house
role of men in egypt?
1do their job
Children in Egypt?
1 learn what their parents did
What were the the ancient egypt strctures that are still standing made of?
1 stone bricks
what were houses built out of?
1 mud bricks
why did they stop building pyramids?
1 cost
what was the design of temples?
1 compilcated
Egytpian art?
1 pharaoh a
Egyptian music?
Egytpian literature?