Chapter 3 Lesson 1 Flashcards
What does southern mesopotamia lay on?
Alluvial Plain
Name one City, By 3500 bc that had developed?
What 2 rivers flowed into the ______?
Rivers: Tigris and Euphrates
Flowed into the Persian Gulf
What type of soil was in the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates?
rich soil
What is a high flat land?
One of the worlds first civilizations formed in the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates river? This civilizations arose in a land that became known as?
A plain formed from fine soil left behind by stream or river is a
Alluvial Plain
Name a city that was part of the first civilization in Sumer?
Where did the earliest civilizations develop in south wester Asia?
in the valleys of the 4 major river systems
Tigris and Euphrates
The civilization know as Sumer arose near which rivers?
Tigris and Euphrates
Fertile refers to?
rich soil
Early civilizations were built on what type of soil?
rich soil- such as areas where silt formed
What land form did northern mesopotamia isit on?
The land between two rivers means?
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers are _______ that flow into the Persian gulf?
How did major river systems support permanent settlements?
they had plenty of water to drink, cook with and water to bath in
fish in rivers
livestock grazed along rivers
good place to build settlements
what made the land of southern mesopotamia good for farming?
rich soil
fertile soil
the rivers overflowed their banks in the spring the flood water deposited silt- which created the fertile soil
How did people learn to deal with the droughts and the floods?
irrigation helped solve these problems- dug canals and stored water
How did life change for the people of the Ubaid culture?
built more advanced irrigation systems and produced surpluses of crops
there simple life turned complex with required rules and organization - leaders were needed-
began living in larger homes-built larger temples
A more advanced culture developed
WHat was necessary for the development of the first cities?
food surpluses?