Chapter 4- Kinematic Concepts of Human Movement Flashcards
What is motion? Give an example.
It is general motion that involves translating and rotating at the same time. The movement of a shoulder rotation with wrist and elbow joint movement.
What is linear motion?
Linear motion is the movement of a body along a straight or curved path where all body parts move in the same direction at the same speed.
What is linear distance and displacement? How are they similar, how are they different?
They both measure how far a body has travelled. However, distance measures the path travelled from start to finish, regardless if direction whereas displacement measures how far it is from the initial position to the final position. (think running track, o displacement but 400m in distance)
What is speed and the equation for it?
the ratio of the distance covered to the time taken
distance over time
What is velocity and the equation for it?
the ratio of displacement or change in position, to the taken time. It has both size and direction
displacement over time
What is linear acceleration and the equation for it?
LInear acceleration refers to a change in velocity in a given period of time.
change in velocity over change in time
Why is the ability to accelerate or decelerate important in sports?
For accelerating in the last 100m of a marathon, decelerating in the last into corners when mountain biking.
What is angular motion? Give two sporting examples both inside and outside of the body
It is a component of general motion and involves rotation around a central axis or a fixed point. A gymnast on the high bar and the thighs rotating around the hip axis while running.
What is torque and the equation for it?
Torque is what is used to describe the rotation that occurs as a result of an eccentric force being applied.
force times leverarm
The greater the torque?
The greater the acceleration. Think bicycles and the size of gears or a gymnastic rotating on the high bar fully extended
What is angular distance and displacement? How are they similar, how are they different?
Angular distance is the total distance covered during angular motion, whereas angular displacement is the difference between the starting point and finishing point. They are both measured in degrees. Think again high bar if they do 1.5 rotations then they would have travelled 540 degrees in distance and 180 in displacement.
What is the equation for angular speed?
The total degree covered over the time taken
What is the equation for angular velocity?
The change of position over the time taken
Applying it to sports, how could you increase a ball’s linear velocity when it is thrown?
By increasing the angular velocity of each body segment used in the throwing motion, as it will increase the final velocity at the point of release. (think Matta and his throws with different body parts, what got the furthest)
What is the equation for linear velocity?
The radius of rotation times the angular velocity