Chapter 4: Forces Shaping Behaviour Flashcards
What is neurosis?
relatively mild disorders similar to defense mechanisms
What is psychosis?
serious mental illness preventing individuals from functioning adequately
What are 4 types of neuroses?
Anxiety, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Hysterical reactions
What is anxiety?
a person with fearful expectations that dreadful things will happen ex. hypochondria
What are symptoms and treatments of anxiety?
Symptoms: Pounding heart, faintness, numbness, chills
-Find and deal with the real cause of the anxiety
-Conditioning techniques that associate pleasant experiences with the feared object/situations
What are phobias?
Extreme fears of certain objects or situations.
What is OCD?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Persistent, unwanted thoughts because of anxiety
What are symptoms of OCD?
- obsessed with safety, fear of failure, sexual desire, obsessed with particular objects
- Obsessions are often followed by a compulsion to perform an act to relieve anxiety ex. relocking doors
What are symptoms of hysterical reactions?
Psychological conflicts convert to physical symptoms: blindness, paralysis
Define acrophobia.
fear of high places
Define agoraphobia.
fear of open places
Define algophobia.
fear of pain
Define astraphobia.
fear of thunder or lightening
Define claustrophobia.
fear of closed spaces
Define hydrophobia.
fear of water
Define lalophobia.
fear of public speaking
Define phobophobia.
fear of fear
Define xenophobia.
fear of strangers
Define zoophobia.
fear of animals (usually a specific kind)
What is psychosis?
serious mental illness preventing individuals from functioning adequately
What are some psychoses?
Antisocial Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, Depression
What is ASP?
Antisocial Personality Disorder: a lifelong “pervasive pattern” of rule breaking & violating others’ rights. Begins before age 15.
What are some characteristics of psychopaths?
feels no remorse or guilt after causing harm, or acting immorally. They fail to form relationships and are oblivious to their behaviour.
What are symptoms of ASP?
- look like average people which allows them to approach victims without causing alarm
- promiscuous, inflict self-harm
What symptoms do psychopaths exhibit?
- hallucinations, dramatic mood shifts
- confusion about time, place and identity
- lack understanding about behaviour
What are the types of schizophrenia? Explain.
Simple: withdrawal of interest in people/situations
Hebephrenic: childish behaviour
Paranoid: delusions of grandeur
Catatonic: unresponsive
What are symptoms of schizophrenia?
- emotionally flat
- little interest in others, their environment & reality
- perceptual disorders: hallucinations, delusions
- inconsistent, illogical, strange associations
- strange fantasies & mannerisms
What is manic depression?
extreme mood changes
What are symptoms of manic depression?
-extreme mood changes, confused/aggressive behaviour, unlimited energy/extreme fatigue, difficulty sleeping
What are treatments for neurosis and psychosis? Explain.
Biomedical: attempts to change/influence the biological mechanism involved
Psychological Therapies: involves conversation between patient & therapist