What are the eight steps of selecting employees?
- Job analysis
- selecting test methods
- test validation
- recruitment
- screening
- testing
- selecting
- hiring/ rejecting
It is a process of attracting people with right qualifications to apply for the job
What are the two kinds of recruitment
Internal and external recruitment
A type of recruitment which is within an organization
Internal recruitment
A type of recruitment which hire someone from the outside
external recruitment
It is the least effective recruitment method of media advertisements
It is type or way of respond which applicants are instructed to call rather than to apply in person
Respond by calling ads
It is type or way of respond which applicants are instructed to apply in person rather than call or send resumes
Apply in person ads
It is type or way of respond which applicants are instructed to send resumes rather than call or apply in person
Send resume ads
It is type or way of respond which applicants are instructed to send their resume to a box at the newspaper, neither the name nor the address of the company is given
Blind box ads
A recruitment method of media advertisement which uses commercials, radio, social media etcs.
Electronic media
A recruitment method that is also known as position wanted ads or Job wanted ads which placed by the applicant rather than by organizations
Situation Wanted ads
A recruitment method in which help-wanted signs are placed so they can be viewed by people who visit the organization.
Point of purchase methods
A recruitment method in which an organization send recruiters to college campuses
Campus recruiters
A type of campus recruitment in which a job fair held at campus in which student can tour a company online, ask questions and electronically send resumes
Virtual Job fairs
A recruitment method in which consists of private and public employment agencies, and executive search firms
Outside recruiters
An organization that specializes in finding jobs for applicants and finding applicants for organizations looking for employees. They also charge the employees or the company.
Employment agency
An organization which has “head hunters” which are the one who find organization the employees. They charge the organization rather than applicants.
Executive search firms
An employment service operated by a state or local government, designed to match applicants with job openings.
Public employment agency
A recruitment method which employee recommends friends or family to the organization
Employee Referrals
A recruitment method in which an organization sends out mass mailings of information about job openings to potential applicants.
Direct mail
A recruitment method in which has seen as the fastest source of recruitment.
It is based on automated hiring system
Employer Based Websites
Some websites that posted jobs for the applicants like indeed or jobstreet
Internet recruiters
It is the expensive recruitment method in which they place booth in place.
Job fairs
It is offer to employee inside the organization for them to stay
A recruiter gives applicant an honest assessment of job about a particular job
Realistic Job Preview
It is commonly used to select employees
Employment Interviews
What are the three factors of employment interviews?
Structure, Style and Medium
A type of interview which ask about the same questions and has standardized score system
Structured interviews
A type of interview which not ask about the same questions and has no standardized score system
Unstructured interviews
It involve a series of single interview
Serial interview
It involve a passing time of first and subsequent interview
Return interview
it involves mutiple interviewers
Panel interview
it involves mutiple applicants
Group interview
Interview done in person
Face to face interview
Interview done in telephone
Telephone interview
Interview done in phone and video
Videoconference interview
Interview done in which answer a series of written questions and send the answers back through email
Written interviews
It is a type of validity that predicts the power of the ability tests
Incremental validity
What are the advantages of structured interviews?
a. based on the job analysis
b. It has lower adverse impact
It is the first impression of the interviewer
primary effects
It is the applicant is judged in relation to the performance of previous applicants
contrast effects
It tells about the honesty of the interviewers to the roles of the applicants
negative information biased
What are the six types of questions to ask in the interview?
Clarifer, disqualifier, skill level determiner, future focused questions, past focused questions, organizational fit questions
A type of structured interview question that clarifies information about the resume application
A type of structured interview question in which a qrong answer will disqualify the applicant from the further consideration
A type of structured interview question that designed to tap an applicant’s knowledge or skill
Skill level determiner
A type of structured interview question in which applicants are given a situation and asked how they handle it
future focused questions
A type of structured interview question that designed to tap an applicant’s past experiences
past focused questions
A type of structured interview question that designed to tap an applicant’s personality and values will fitb with the organizational culture.
organizational fit questions
What are the three scoring approaches?
Right/wrong approach
Typical/answer approach
Key - issue approach
It is an approach which uses dichotomous (disqualify or not) based on the answers
Right/wrong approach
It is an appraocah which the answers are rated by the SMEs
Typical/answer approach
It is an approach used by Pete DiVasto for law enforcement which most important issues is greater than the less important issue
Key - issue approach
A type of resume which the order in work are listed without a gap
Chronological resume
A type of resume which the least popular related job position in the last part when applying for a job
Functional resume
The Style I prefer which combine the two types of resume
Psychological resume
A letter that accompanies a resume or job application
Cover letter
The summary of professional and educational background of employee