It is gathering, analyzing and structuring job’s components
It is a process of determining work activities and requirements
Job analysis
What is the importance of job analysis?
it determines work activities and requirements of job
It is a written result of job analysis
Job description
It identifies the requirements for the job
Employee selection
What are the three ways to evaluate employees using the performance - appraisal?
DKI or
It promotes the employee to reach the highest level of incompetencies
Peter Principle
It classifies based on groups (similarities of req. and duties)
It is useful for determining pay levels, transfers and promotions
Job classifications
It is a worth of job
Job evaluation
It is a short summary that tells a job that it should be written in 2 - 5 pages
Job description
It provides the workers with some form of identity
Job title
It is a brief description of the nature of job and its purpose
Brief summary
It list all the tools and equipment to perform work activities
Tools and equipement used
What is the meaning of KSAO?
Knowledge, Skills, Ability and Others
Who will conduct the Job analysis?
HR personnel or consultant
How often should a job description be updated?
It is updated if job changes significantly
Which employees should participate in job analysis?
All employees are encourage
Formal requirement vs. Informal requirement
Formal requirement - list of job roles which are based on the job title
Informal requirement - based not on the job description. Example: Making coffee for your boss
What is the meaning of SME?
Subject Matter Expert
What is the first strategy in job analysis?
What are the two kinds of job interview?
Individual and group interview
Who made the interview technique in 1965?
It is analyzing a job by performing it
Job participation
It is an optimal way in whichg a job should be performed
Job design
It is “professionally conducted”
It is uniform Guidelines on Employee selection
These are taks and activities that worker is involved and organized into meaningful categories
Work activities
It is describing the environment that employee works
Job context
It outline standards of performance
Brief section of employee’s performance
Work performance
It tells about the salary grade, factors to determine salary
Compensation information
It is known as Job specifications or competencies needed for the job
Job competencies
What is job crafting?
It is informal changes they make to their jobs
Difference of committe based job analysis and field based job analysis
CBJA - generate tasks they performed
FBJA - observes incumbents outside the field
What if all the employees don’t want to participate in the job analysis?
Used random sampling
What are the goals of most job analysis?
- Identify tasks performed in a job
- Conditions under the tasks performed
- KSAO needed to perform a job
What are the five strategies to perform job analysis?
- Idenfify task performed
- Write task statements
- Rate task statements
- Determine essential KSAO
- Selecting tests to tap KSAO
What are the three guidelines in doing interview?
- Announce that you are doing interview
- Have rapport during interview
- Ask open-ended questions
A psychologist used job participation for 2 weeks with fire fighter to analyze their jobs
Wayman Mullins
What is task statement? How to write it?
It tells about what is your action and the object you used.
It should be written in the most understandable way
What are the five steps of the ammerman style techniques?
- One representative of each org for the panelist
- Know the objective and standards of incumbent
- Have a specific behavior required for the job
- Reach the objective
- Rank the objectives based on importance
These are the irrelevant tasks as part of job
bogus task
How to rate the task staments?
What is the scale to use?
Conducting task analysis which SMEs will rank the task statements.
If the combined rank is less than .5 it is not included, but .5 up is important
A type of KSAO which is a body of information to perform tasks
A type of KSAO which is a proficiency to perform a learned task
A type of KSAO which is a basic capacity of performing a wide range
What is competency modeling?
When competency is based on the organization strategic initiative rathern than specific task
What are the two ways to determine the importance of KSAO?
- Logically linking tasks to KSAO
2. Prepared questionnaires
What are the methods of selecting tests to tap KSAO?
a. Interview
b. work samples
c. ability tests
d. Personality tests
e. Integrity tests
f. biodata
g. assessment centers
It is a structured test developed by Purdue University that has 194 items with 6 dimensions
PAQ or Position Analysis Questionnaire
What are the advantages of PAQ?
- Inexpensive and little time to use
- One of the most standardized test
- It has acceptable reliability
What are the disadvantages of PAQ?
- Its own strength
2. It is written for the college level only
It is a revised PAQ by Patrick & Moore in 1985
JSP or Job Structure Profile
What are the majore changes of JSP?
- It include item content and style
2. Increased discriminatory power of intellectual and decision making dimensions
It is an alternative test to PAQ by Cornelius and Hakel that has 153 items with good readibility for the grade 10 educational level
JEI or Job Elements Inventory
It is a test which has a quick method of analyzing and comparing thousands of job created by Fine on 1955. It has 100 items with three functions (data, people and things)
FJA or Functional Job Analysis
A test used in England which has 400 questions with 5 categories
A job analysis method that has a detailed section on tools and equipments
JCI or Job Components Inventory
It is method of analysis in work and environment with 216 items used for human machine interaction
AET - Ergonomics Job Analysis Procedure
It is a national job analysis system that replaces DOT. It is also develop in four levels.
ONET or The Occupational Network
It is used to discover actual incidents of job behavior that make the difference between a job’s successful and unsuccessful performance worked by John Flanagan
CIT or Critical Incident Technique
It is similar to JCI by Lopez et. al, it has 33 items that uses 5 traits.
TTA or Threshold Trait Analysis
What is the advantage of TTA?
It is available in one particular consulting firm
What is the disadvantage of TTA?
not available commercially and focus on employee selection and career plan
It is a test more detailed than TTA and commercially available. It rates the ability to perform a job and easily used by the analysts
F-JAS or Fleishman Analysis Survey
A test which a job incumbent needs to adapt to situation on the job worked by Pulakos
JAI or Job Adaptability Inventory
A test which identify personality to perform a job related tasks. It uses the “Big5 personality” to its 12 personality dimensions.
PPRF or Personality Related Position Requirements Form
What are the three tests that are best for employee selection and performance appraisal (worker-oriented methods?
It is most used standardized technique
It is the least used standardized technique
It is least used amounts of job analyst training
It is the most used amounts of job analyst training
CIT > Task analysis
A technique with least amount of time
A technique with most amount of time
PAQ > Task Analysis
It is the least costly method
It is the most costly method
It has the highest quality result
It has the lowest quality result
Task Analysis > TTA
It has the longest job report
It has the lowest job report
Task Analysis > Job Elements Report
It has been the most useful method
It has been the least useful method
It has the best overall job picture
It is the worst overall job picture
Task Analysis > PAQ
It determines the job’s worth
Job evaluation
What are the two stages of Job evaluation?
It determines external and internal pay equity
What is Internal Pay Equity?
It compares the job within organization compensable factors
What is External Pay Equity?
It compares the job to external market
What is method to determine the salary in the organization?
Salary survey
What is market position?
Offers higher salary to the competitive organization
What is direct compensation?
the amount of money a job’s worth
What is comparable worth?
Comparing jobs with similar worth (salary grade) and responsibility (family)
What are the two types of statistical test used to test salary grades?
a. Fischner’s exact test
b. Hierarchical regression
What is Fischner’s Exact Test?
It is used for the organization with only 30 employeess below to compare the median of salary
What is Hierarchical Regression?
Based on their race and sex of employees
It determines the work mobility within an organization
Person Power Planning
What type of info should be obtained?
It is the level of specificity
What are the two ways to know or idenfify your tasks?
Gather existing information
Make interview with SMEs
What is best used for work design and writing job description (job-oriented method)
Task Analysis
What are two ways of Job evaluation?
External and Internal Pay Equity