CHAPTER 4 - Different lives in Denmark Flashcards
Absolute poverty
Absolute poverty refers to a state where individuals do not have enough resources to secure the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing.
Career mobility
Career mobility refers to the ability of individuals to move from one job position to another throughout their career.
Cultural capital
Cultural capital refers to the resources and knowledge that are transmitted across generations and are valued by social institutions.
Decile is a statistical measure that divides the population into ten equal parts, in terms of income or some other variable.
Economic capital
Economic capital refers to an individual’s financial resources, including their income, savings, and property.
Explanatory model
The explanatory model refers to the belief systems and frameworks that people use to help make sense of the world.
Extended language code
Extended language code refers to a style of communication associated with the middle and upper classes, which is characterized by more complex vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.
Field refers to a social domain, such as the academic field or the political field, where individuals and groups compete for resources, status, and power.
Generational mobility
Generational mobility refers to the changes in social class status that occur between generations.
Habitus refers to the ingrained habits, dispositions, and tastes that are acquired through socialization and becomes second nature to individuals.
Income refers to the money earned from work, investments, or other sources.
Inequality refers to the distribution of resources, opportunities, and rewards across a society.
Job position
Job position refers to an individual’s place within an organization, defined by their role, responsibilities, and level of authority.
Level of education
Level of education refers to the amount of schooling completed by an individual.
Life modes
Life modes refer to the different ways that people organize their lives, including work, family, and leisure.
Lifestyles refer to the patterns of behaviour, values, and consumption associated with particular social groups.
Limited language code
Limited language code refers to a style of communication associated with working-class and poor people, which is characterized by simpler vocabulary and grammar.