Chapter 4 - Conceptual and Methodological Approaches to Country Culture Flashcards
Welche Dimensionen gibt es?
Power Distance (not) accepted Individualism vs. Collectivism Masculinity vs. Femininity High/Low Uncertainty Avoidance Indulgence vs. Restraint Long-term vs. Short-term orientation
Managerial Consequences of high power distance
- steep hierarchies
- strict separation of decisional and executing processes
- control by others instead of self-control
- behavioral control instead of result-based control
- extreme wage differences
- IB: ethnocentric orientation of home country managers
Managerial Consequences of high uncertainty avoidance
- low degree of decentralization and delegation
- behavioral control instead of result based control
- low level of innovation
- low tendency to use flexible management systems (e.g. cafeteria-systems)
- unclear: tendency towards diversification of business?
a) unrelated diversification reduces uncertainty
b) unrelated diversification causes uncertainty
thus maybe preference towards related diversification
Managerial Consequences of high individualism
- assignment of competences to individuals
- dominance of the shareholder-value-approach
- performance-oriented, individualized salary systems
- IB: ethnocentric orientation of home country managers
- weak corporate culture
Managerial Consequences of high masculinity
- low level of teamwork
- dominance of the shareholder value approach
- gain of market share is the dominant goal (MITI)
- tendency towards a diversification of business
- intensive use of continuous improvement programs (CIP)
Extension of cultural dimensions
Long-term vs. short-term orientation
Indulgence vs. restraint
-> extent of rich people to control their desires
Major concerns referring to Hofstede’s Study on country culture
original study conducted at the end of the 70ies
-> outdated vs. values don’t change that fast
all respondents = employees of IBM
- > Contra: IBM selects people -> fit to corporate culture
- > Pro: different countries -> are differences outcome of company culture or corporate culture?
factor analytical derivation of four dimensions tends to be a-theoretical
-> Data-mining without theoretical background -> no hypothesis -> true laut Wolf
the point values of some countries along (some of the dimensions) are difficult to interpret (e.g. Austria’s PDI)
-> normal in quantitative empirical research
the new dimension “indulgence vs. restraint” conceptually overlaps with other dimensions
Hofstede’s study lacks of dense descriptions
-> no rich descriptions of the cultures (some argue that this is needed -> Hofstede too superficial)
there’s no other study that has such a rich database
- > much influence, often cited
- > therefore it’s generally a good study even though the critique sounds pretty substantial
Cultural dimensions of the GLOBE project
Uncertainty Avoidance Future Orientation Power Distance Institutional collectivism Humane Orientation Performance Orientation Group and Family Collectivism Gender Egalitarianism Assertiveness
World Value Survey
- Anhand der Faktoren lassen sich die Werteprofile der untersuchten Länder in einer sozio-kulturellen Landkarte darstellen
World Value Survey
Traditional Values vs. Secular Rational Values
Survival Values vs. Self Expression Values
World Value Survey
Traditional Values vs. Secular Rational Values
Beschreibt, wie Autorität ausgeübt wird. Das Kontinuum erstreckt sich von traditionellen Werten (z.B. Gehorsamkeit ggü. religiösen Autoritäten, Festhalten an der Familie, Norm des Teilens) bis zur säkularen Weltanschauung (z.B. Legitimation von Macht durch rationale Normen)
World Value Survey
Survival Values vs. Self Expression Values
Diese Dimension umfasst Werte, die das Überleben bei knappen Ressourcen sichern. In Ländern, in denen kein Mangel herrscht, gewinnen postmaterielle Werte wie Lebensqualität, Emanzipation und Selbstverwirklichung an Bedeutung.
Cultural Spheres in and around Multinational Companies
Welche Sphären gibt es?
Home Country
Corporate Culture
Host Country
Home country und host country beeinflussen die Corporate Culture
Cultural Spheres in and around Multinational Companies
Home Country und Host country
-> Aspekte, die sich auf die Corporate Culture auswirken
Value System Authority Work ethic Communications Time Concepts Family relationships etc.