Chapter 4-8 Flashcards
Language comprehension
Receptive Language
Maintaining eye contact with baby
Mutual Gaze
Reading for meaning
Reading comprehension
Infants awareness of sounds in their environment by turning toward and visually searching for where the sound came from
An awareness of ones own problem-solving abilities and self-regulation behaviors that are used to guide, monitor,and evaluate the success of ones performance
Metacognitive/executive functioning
The meaning in which a speaker wishes to convey
Communicative intention
Ability to manipulate the structural aspects of language independently from the meaning conveyed in the message
Metalinguistic awareness
Language production
Expressive Language
Fluency (reading)
The abnormal acquisition, comprehension, or use of spoken or written language.
Language Disorder
Poor output of language with spared comprehension
Nonfluent aphasia
Difficulty with the processes and products of writing
Language Learning disabilities
Sound out words
Impairment in language comprehension with maintenance or normal melodic speech contour
Fluent aphasia
Assumption that an individual can strengthen linguistic knowledge through direct instruction. Includes repeat therapy to restore linguistic functions
Restorative/linguistic approach
Ritual exchange between an adult and infant
Individuals awareness,of the phonological structure, or sound structure of words
Phonological awareness
Based on no language function. Focus is on establishing functional communication. (Speaking, signing, gestures, etc.)
Substitutive/Compensatory approach
Deficit in planning and sequencing of movement articulation disorder
Language disorder due to brain damage that effects comprehension/ formulation of language
Basic manifestations that are beyond the control of a stutterer.. Repetitions, prolongations, blocks
Core behaviors
Joint attention between an adult and infant on a object. which highlights the concepts the object represents
Joint/shared attention
Significant recovery I the first two-three months post injury
Spontaneous recovery
Learned reactions to core behaviors to escape stuttering episode, jaw tremor or foot tap
Secondary bebavior
Difficulty swallowing
Repetitive movement of articulators
- Easy onset/pre vocalic exhalation
- decreased speaking rate
- light articulatory contacts
- continuous phonation
Fluency shaping techniques
Impaired ability to execute motor movement
Fluency disorder that consists of stops and repetitions
Goal is to eliminate disfluencies and shape speakers speaking pattern
Fluency Shaping
Based on idea that stuttering may involve physiological predisposition
Stuttering modification managment
- self analysis
- relaxation
- desensitization
Stuttering modification therapy techniques
Disturbance of pitch, loudness, or quality in relation to and individual
Voice disorder
Results from disease that affected vocal tract
Organic voice disorder
Results from vocal mis use or abuse
Functional voice disorder
Any deviation in phonation
Absence of audible phonation
Voice that comes form sound source other than layrnx
Alaryngeal speech
Air passing through narrow constriction in the esophagus as an alternative source for sound
Esophageal speech