chapter 4-6 Flashcards
purposes of policing
1.enforce the laws of society
2.apprehend offenders
3.preserve peace
4.prevent crime
when did FBI begin?
FBI has various branches such as..
behavioral assessment unit
dea, atf, secret service, us marshalls, homeland security
state police agencies are one of 2 models…
centralized- together
decentralized- assist
largest local department
1st state police agency
texas rangers
what state has no state police?
elected chief officer of a county law enforcement agency
style of policing that includes gangs, drugs, networks, white collar crimes, computer criminals
3 corporate strategies of policing
strategic, problem solving, community
style of policing that assumes that many crimes are caused by existing social conditions
problem- solving policing
policing by collaborative effort between police and community
community oriented policing
set of values, beliefs, and acceptance of behavior characteristic of American police
police subculture
assume that every interaction is ……
LAPD in 1991 caught _______ , stopped for motor vehicle violation and beaten
rodney king
california found the police of rodney king _______ , the next year 2 of them were found guilty and king won 3.8 million dollars
not guilty
_______ accused of passing counterfeit and knelt on
george floyd
due process requirements
- evidence and investigation
- arrest
precedent- setting that is recognized for changes in the due process and justice system
landmark cases
constitution states people must be secure in their homes and persons against ________ searches and seizures
1st court cases regarding search and seizure was weeks v. us
he used mail to sell lottery tickets and police conducted his home without a warrant which is a violation of his rights
illegally seized evidence consists of 2 things such as…
searches w out warrant
improper interrogations
legal principle which excludes from introduction at trial any evidence LATER DEVELOPED as a result of an illegal search and seizure is called…
“fruit of the poisoned tree” doctrine which is an extension of the exclusionary rule
case where lady was suspected of keeping fugitive, forced entry, found pornographic materials
mapp v. ohio
exception to the exclusionary rule is….
good faith
LEO believe that the search is lawful (not in PA)
man suspected of drug trafficking, placed a surveillance tip, search found drugs….
us v. leon
magistrates acted in good faith
officers can begin investigation if evidence is in ______ or for _______
plain view
public inspection
objects readily visible which might be seized as evd during a search by a police who doesn’t need a warrant
plain view
searches can be conducted without a warrant for welfare checks and
if someone is considered dangerous as a suspect
emergency searches can protect police from harm when they lack a warrant, probable cause, or reasonable ______
reasonable suspicion is when a criminal activity is taking place or has..
already occured
taking an individual into physical custody by authority of law for the purpose of charging the person
_____ cause is needed to make an arrest
warrantless searches conducted on arrested individuals to ensure the safety of the arresting officer
search of 2 guys who were suspected of robbing jewelry store, found a gun that was concealed
terry v. ohio
reasonable suspicion
4 warantless searches
1.suspicion less searches- public safety
2.emergency searches- armed robber
4.roadblocks and checkpoints
gathering intelligence is when police get info from questioning informants and
informants must have…
1.clear info
info gathering activities of po which involve the direct questioning of sus is called
police interrogation
when interrogation you can use pressure but cant refuse drink or anything ______
manipulative actions by po interviewers designed to pressure sus
psychological manipulation
case where undercover fbi agent coerged an inmate to confess to a murder by telling him that he would be protected
arizona v. fulminante
you have the right to a _____ at questioning
case where guy arrested for murder of BIL was told he couldnt have a lawyer
escobedo v. illinois
guy accused of kidnap and rape but was not informed of his rights
miranda v.arizona
exceptions to miranda
public safety
custody and interrogation are both needed before the advisement of rights
behavioral deviation from an accepted ethical standard in po
influencing on police corruption is..
po learn high moral standards and
4 major types of stress
- external-real dangers in job
2.organizaional-paperwork, scheduling, training
deadly three for po
- stress and trauma
2.alc/ meds
any po action relies on the race, ethnicity, or national orgin
racial profiling
15 yr old burgular shot in back after running from po
tennessee v. garner
reasons for po suicide
stress, ptsd, mental health
prevents the gov from using evd gathered in violation of us constitution
exclusionary rule
job is to sign bills of indictment and conduct in court all criminal prosecutions
series of positions of rank within an organization from lowest to highest
chain of command
warrant that contains reasonable suspicion that a crime willl happen at a specific place
anticipatory warrant