ch 10-12 Flashcards
2.organization into inmate- led groups
3.confrontation with authority
4.termination through negotiation or physical confrontation
5.reaction and explanation, usually by investigative commissions
prison riot stages
court ordered sanction to retain some control over criminal offenders while using community programs to help them; ______ is typically used instead of incarceration
after incarceration; supervised early release of inmates from correctional confinement
type of parole where grant parole based on the board members judgement and assessment and release decisions are determined
parole boards
type of parole that produces mandatory release with dates set near sentence
statutory decrees
some non violent offenders may be given the option of a shorter sentence in a _______
prison with high fences, barriers, laser motion detectors, locking systems
maximum security
jail with multiple occupancy cells or dormitories that line corridors arranged like spokes; inmate supervision is intermittent; staff must patrol to observe
1st gen jail
jail where staff must remain in a control booth surrounded by housing called pods and surveillance is remote
2nd gen jail
direct supervision jail, inmates are in small groups staffed by specially trained officers, interact with inmates, bars and doors are absent to reduce noise
3rd gen jail
state or fed confinement that has authority over adults typically for more than a year
facility administered by an agency or local gov, local law enforcement that holds ppl detained pending adjudication or after, 1 yr or less
technical violation of parole is if someone isn’t allowed to come into contact with someone and they happen to
technical violation
organization that have been determined to pose a threat
gangs do not start in prison they carry over from the
prison security levels
minimum, medium, maximum
allow prisoners more freedom, go to prison yard, less supervision
medium security
work done under gen supervision, unarmed guards, no gun towers
min security
ultra max security in florence colorado
punishment of execution convicted of a capital crime
death penalty
lower cost than prison, increased employment, use of community services, increased opportunity to rehab
pros of parole/ probation
relative lack of punishment, increased risk to community, increased social costs( welfare, health care)
cons of parole/ probation
cells in straight rows to discourage interaction with others is called the
pa model
punishment vs rehab
more likely to commit crime again, gets someone help