Chapter 4 Flashcards
What was the greatest honor for a Spartan?
Dying for the polis.
How many helots were there to Spartans?
10-1 ratio.
Which group of helots continually threatened revolt?
The Messenians.
What did the Spartans focus their system on?
1) Preserving their helot based society. 2) Guaranteeing security via military strength.
What form of government did the Spartans retain long after its demise in other city-states?
The Two-King System.
In practice, by whom was Sparta ruled?
A small council of elderly military generals.
Who had more free women: Athens or Sparta?
Name three of Solon’s reforms.
Reigned in the power of wealthy elites, canceled many debts, freed poor Athenians, allowed the poorest Athenian males to sit in the assembly, and granted full citizenship to craftsmen.
What crops did Athens grow and for what purpose?
Grapes and Olives. They grew them for export.
What is another name for the Golden Age?
The Periclean Age after the great leader Pericles.
What type of government did the Athenians have in the Golden Age?
Direct Democracy.
How was the Athenian Council of Five Hundred chosen?
By lot among all male citizens.
True or False: The Greeks rejected the idea of slavery.
What were Athenian men in pursuit of?
More leisure time.
Describe Greek Paintings and Sculptures.
Realistic depictions of the idealistic state of man.