Chapter 4 Flashcards
a strategy that relies on independent, self-help behavior in foreign policy
Rational Choice
decision making procedures guided by careful definition of problems, specification of goals, weighing the costs, risks, and benefits of all alternatives, and selection of the optimal alternative
the degree to which military and economic capabilities are concentrated among the major powers in the state system
the degree to which states cluster in alliances around the most powerful members of the state system
a school of thought claiming that a state’s foreign policy is determined by its location, natural resources, and physical environment
First World
the relatively wealthy industrialized countries that share a commitment to varying forms of democratic political institutions and developed market economies
Second World
during the Cold War, the group of countries, including the Soviet Union and its eastern European allies, that a shared a commitment to centrally planned economies
Third World
a Cold War term to describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America
Global North
a term used to refer to the worlds wealthy, industrialized countries located primarily in the northern hemispheres
Global South
a term used to designate the less developed countries located primarily in the Southern Hemisphere
Global East
the countries of East and South Asia whose rapidly expanding economies have made them competitors with the traditionally dominant members of the Global North
Constitutional Democracy
government system in which political leaders’ power is limited by a body of fundamental principles, and leaders are held accountable to citizens through regular, fair, and competitive elections
Autocratic Rule
a governmental system where unlimited power is concentrated in the hands of a single person
Rational Political Ambition Theory
an approach the study of foreign policy that assumes that state leaders want to maintain power and they make decisions with that goal in mind
Diversionary War Theory
the contention that leaders initiate conflict abroad as a way of steering public opinion at home away from controversial domestic issues