Chapter 4 Flashcards
If-Then decision
A decision structure that contains a tested Boolean expression and an action that is taken only when the expression is true.
Boolean Expression
An expression that represents only ONE of two states, usually expressed as either TRUE or FALSE.
If-Then Clause
The action that holds the action that results when the Boolean expressions in the decision is true.
Else Clause
The action that holds action or actions that execute only when the Boolean expressions is false.
Rational Comparison Operators
The symbols that express Boolean comparisons (, =, =, <>, ==)
Trivial Expression
An expressions that always evaluates as the same value.
Compound Condition
When multiple questions need to be answered before determining an outcome, this is constructed.
AND Decision
Contains two or more decisions, all conditions must be true for an action to take place.
Nested Decision (Nested If)
A decision within either the if-then or else clause of another decision.
Cascading If Statement
A series of nested if statements.
Conditional AND Operator ( AND Operator)
A symbol that you use to combine decisions so that two or more conditions must be true for an action to occur.
Truth Tables
Diagrams used in mathematics and logic to help describe the truth of an entire expression based on the truth of its parts.
Short-circuit evaluation
A logical feature in which expressions in each part of a large expression are evaluated only as far as necessary to determine the final outcome.
Or Decision
Contains two more decisions, if at least on e condition is met, the resulting action takes place.
Conditional Or Operator (Or Operator)
A symbol that you combine decisions when any one condition can be true for an action to occur.
Logical Not Operator
A symbol that reverses the meaning of a Boolean expression.
Range Check
Comparing a variable to a series of values that mark the limiting ends of ranges.
Dead Path (Unreachable Path)
The logical path that can never be traveled.
The quality of an operation that determines the order in which it is evaluated.
Less Than Operator
Greater Than Operator
Equal to Operator
= or ==
Less Than or equal to operator
Greater Than or Equal to Operator
> =
Not Equal to Operator
<> or !=
And Operator General Rule
The General rule when using this decision operator, it is better to start with the decision that is less likely to be true.
Or Operator General Rule
The General rule when using this decision operator, it is better to start with the decision that is more likely to be true.
Gorge Boole (1815-1864)
Also known as the founder mathmatical logic, He approched logic more simply by expressing logical selections with common algebraic symbols. A logical expression was named after him.
Greater Than (>), Less Than (>), and Equal To (=)
What are the three types of comparisons that any decisions can be made of?