Chapter 4 Flashcards
What makes something popular?
- Most viewed
- Most liked
- Most consumed
- Most mediatized
- Most talked/ heard about
- Successful advertising
- Aggressive marketing
- Meet current needs
- Innovation
- Collective unconscious
is a universal language that manages, in all seemingly trivial glory, that makes us all dream and smile, to connect us across racial, political, and social divides. It is part of our fabric as human beings.
Pop culture
Who said “Pop culture is a universal language that manages, in all seemingly trivial glory, that makes us all dream and smile, to connect us across racial, political, and social divides. It is part of our fabric as human beings. It says something about us , about our better nature .”
Alexandre O. Philippe, TEDxMileHigh
Popular Culture is….1.
- Is the culture which is popular
- Well-liked
- Common
- Culture actually made by people itself
- Culture of people
- Culture of masses
- A “left-over culture”
Popular culture
- Heavily influenced by mass media
Popular culture
- Generally recognized as vernacular of people’s culture that predominates in a society at a given time
Popular culture
- Influences and mirrors people’s everyday engagement in life.
Popular culture
Popular culture or is sometimes referred as
low culture
, is comprised of the “cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people”
Popular culture
the products and forms of expression and identity that are frequently encountered or widely accepted, commonly liked or approved, and characteristic of a particular society at a given time’
Popular Culture
Entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes memes images, and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture
Popular Culture
Forms of Popular Culture
- Music
- Television
- Sports
- Toys
- Comic book
- Films
- Advertising
- Fashion
- Magazines
- Cyber Culture
represents a simpler lifestyle, that is generally conservative, largely self sufficient, and often characteristic of rural life; is local in orientation, and non commercial
Folk culture
is not mass produced, nor meant for mass consumption. It belongs to the social elite; the fine arts, opera, theatre, and high intellectualism are associated with the upper socioeconomic classes.
High culture