Chapter 4 Flashcards
Persons awareness of everything around them
Waking state of consciousness
Thoughts, feelings, and sensations are clear and organized and the person feels alert
Altered state of consciousness
There is a shift in the quality or patterns of mental activity as compared to waking consciousness
Circadian rhythm
Sleep-wake cycle of bodily rhythm that occurs over a 24 hr period controlled by hypothalamus
Sleep deprivation
Any significant loss of sleep resulting in issues in concentration and irritability (acute or chronic)
Brief lapses into sleep that only last a few seconds
Adaptive theory
Animals and humans evolved sleep patterns to avoid predators by sleeping when predators are most active
Restorative theory
Sleep is necessary for the physical health of the body and replenishes chemicals and repairs cellular damage
Rapid eye movement sleep (REM)
Stage of sleep in which eyes move rapidly under eyelids, person is typically dreaming, and voluntary muscles are inhibited
Non-rapid eye movement sleep (nREM)
Any sleep stage that does not include REM
Beta waves
Small, fast waves that indicate most mental activity as someones in waking state of consciousness
Alpha waves
Waves present as someone gets more relaxed or drowsy
nREM 1
Light sleep as muscle activity slows; theta waves
nREM 2
Muscle activity and temp continue lowering; theta waves and sleep spindles (brief bursts of activity)
nREM 3
Deep sleep when growth hormones are released; slow, large delta waves
REM behavior disorder
Rare disorder where mechanism that blocks the movement of the voluntary muscles fail, allowing the person to thrash around and even get up and act out nightmares
Sleep paralysis
Inability of voluntary muscles to move during REM sleep
REM rebound
Increased amounts of REM sleep after being deprived it
Bad dreams occurring during REM sleep
Night terrors
Disorder with extreme fear, screams, or running around during deep nREM sleep without waking fully
Inability to fall or stay asleep
Sleep apnea
When someone stops breathing for 10+ secs during sleep
Person falls immediately into REM sleep during day without warning
Moving around or walking during deep sleep
Excessive daytime sleepiness
Urinating while asleep in bed
Freud’s dream theory
Conflicts, events, and desires of the past are symbolized in dreams
Manifest dream content
What’s actually happening in dream
Latent dream content
Deeper underlying meaning of dream
Activation synthesis hypothesis
Dreams are created by higher centers of cortex that explain brain activity during REM
Activation information mode model (AIM)
Revised version of activation synthesis hypothesis stating that info that’s accessed during waking hours can have an influence on synthesis of dreams
Psychoactive drug
Chemical substance that alters thinking, percpetion, or memory
Physical dependence
When bodys unable to function normally w/o drug
Increased amount of drug needed to feel effects of drug
Phycsial symptom from lack of drug
Psychological dependence
Emotional symptoms caused by lack of drug
Schedule 1 opioid; causes calming, sleepiness, confusion, euphoria, slowed or stopped breathing, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or physical damage of the brain
Stimulant; dopamine release, increased blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate, and increase cancer risk
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Stimulant/psychedelic; immediate enjoyable feeling, release of dopamine/serotonin, disrupts hippocampus (memory)
Schedule 2 stimulant; increased energy/alertness, euphoria, energy, power, and pleasure, deadens pain, suppresses appetite, mood swings, depression, paranoia, tiredness, and nervousness
Depressant; memory loss, discoordination, and irrational behavior
Stimulant; decreased appetite, weight loss, heightened blood pressure/heartrate, anxiety
Stimulant; increased alertness, heart rate, blood pressure, anxiety, and jitters
Schedule 2 opiod; extreme happiness, drowsiness, nausea, confusion, constipation, sedation, respiratory issues, and unconsciousness
Schedule 1 hallucinogen/psychedelic; floating euphoric emotional, and increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, dilated pupils and sweating/chills
Schedule 1 stimulant AND depressant; decreased bodily functions, lung irritation, alerted senses