Chapter 4 Flashcards
Encounter with the West
Tierra Incognita
Unknown lands
To the West, for quite a long time, the Philippines and the rest of the
world was Tierra Incognita, T or F
West was led by what countries?
Portugal and Spain
rival each other for the
possession of rich colonies in America, Asia and Africa.
Spain and Portugal
drew up treaties defining territorial rights to Spain
Spanish Pope
used by Spanish conquistadores
and missionaries in establishing colonies in the Americas
without much resistance.
sword and cross
another attempt to
colonize the islands succeeded under who?
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
Spain’s famed explorer
Ferdinand Magellan,
established the first
European settlement in the archipelago
Where lezagpi founded a permanent Spanish colony in the kingdom
of Maynila.
Oriental spices, silk, fruits, attar of roses, Persian rugs, perfumes and
precious stones were easily sold in Europeans markets at big profits. T or F
who who went to the Holy Land to reclaim the Orient from the
crusaders of Europe,
citizens of Venice
became a city of Italy,
passed through Central Asia by land, then to
the cities of Samarkand and Bokhara, then around the Caspian Sea
and the Black Sea, and finally to Constantinople in the Mediterranean.
Northern Route
started from Malacca in the Malay Peninsula, then to the Indian Ocean and the Indian ports, then to
the Persian Gulf to Baghdad and Constantinople, and finally to Cairo in
the Mediterranean.
Central Route
At the time the Arabs were developing their trade with Asia, there
existed three trade routes connecting Europe to Asia. T or F
F. Europeans were developing
started from Malacca, then to the Indian Ocean and to the ports of
India, then to the Red Sea, and finally to Cairo in the Mediterranean.
Southern Route
They captured the city of
Constantinople through which two routes passed.
closed the
Northern and Central Routes.
In his desire to make
Portugal a sea power, he sent an expedition to the Azores, near the
coast of Africa in 1421.
Prince Henry
allowed the ____ to
use the Southern Route on condition that they pay a certain sum as
came to monopolize the Southern Route
Instruments for navigation developed by Prince Henry
the windrose
and the caravel, which was a kind of ship.
Portugal and Spain to look for another route in Asia so they could
continue their lucrative trade with the Asian countries
Venetian monopoly
first to send expeditions to the East.
most famous Portuguese navigators “The Navigator”
Prince Henry
Islands discovered by the Prince Henry expedition
Madeira and Azores
“discovered” North America in 1492
Christopher Colombus, a native of Genoa
“discovered” the
Cape of Good Hope (1487)
Portuguese navigator Bartholomew Diaz
a native of Genoa, which later became a part
of Italy, went to Spain and offered his services to the King and Queen.
Christopher Colombus
was sent by Spanish King and Queen to
explore what Colombus had found.
Vespucc (Italian)
“discovered” what is now Brazil (1500)
Vicente Pizon
crossed what is now Panama and “discovered” the Pacific Ocean
Nunez de Balboa
first sea power to
chart an alternate passage to India
first country to sail to the East and establish colonies
resulted from the “discoveries” made by Spain and
sea rivalry
a Spaniard, whose family name Borja was Italianized into Borgia,
issued a bull in 1493 dividing the world into two.
Pope Alexander
All lands south and
west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands were to belong to
to take possession of the continent of
Pope issued another
bull on the same day (May 3) by which an imaginary line was drawn
from north to south at 100 degrees west of the Azores. T or F
second bull
May 3, 1493
Treaty of Tordesillas
Created to avoid any conflict between the two nations
treaty of tordesillas date
June 7, 1494.
Lands to be
discovered east of this line would belong to Portugal, and those
on the west would belong to Spain. T or F
East Portugal
West Spain
a Portuguese who went to Spain to offer his
services to the Spanish King
Ferdinand Magellan
With the help of his father-in-law and Don Juan de
Aranda, a man occupying a very high position in the Spanish India
House of Trade, Magellan was able to see King Charles I of Spain. T/F
King of Spain
King Charles I
date of meeting of King Charles and Magellan
Moluccas aka
Spice islands (sailed west)
Five ships of the Magellan Expedition
San Antonio
where magellan and his men first heart mass
Church of Santa Lucia de la Victoria
when did the expedition left port and sailed southward across the Atlantic.
September 20,
When did Magellan reach Rio de Plata
When did Magellan reached Port St. Julian at
the southern tip of South America,
where mutiny of his captains took
Port St. Julian
When did Magellan reach the Ladrones Islands, now the Marianas?
Ladrones islands were named by Magellan what
Islas de Ladrones (Islands of Thieves)
When did Magellan sighted the mountains of
what is now Samar
March 17, 1521
event marking the coming of the first
Spaniards in the Philippines.
Magellan in Samar/sighting samar
The next day, Magellan ordered his men
to land at which islet so the sick men can be taken care of.
Ruler of Limasawa
Brother of Rajah Kulambu
Si Agu
first blood compact between Filipinos and the
Magellan and Rajah Kulambu
When did Magellan ordered a Mass to
be celebrated on the islet of Limasawa? This is the first mass
March 31, 1521
Magellan took
possession of the islands in the name of King Charles and called them what?
Archipelago of St. Lazarus
celebrated the Mass in Limasawa near the seashore.
Father Pedro de Valderrama
when did the ships entered the harbor of Cebu
April 8, 1521
Magellan’s Malay Slave
Cebu chieftain
Rajah Humabon
Mass celebration in Cebu
April 15, 1521
Christian Name of Rajah Humabon
Carlos; in honor of King Charles
single voyage ever known to man in early modern times
Magellan’s voyage across the Atlantic and the Pacific
Christian name of Rajah humabon’s wife
Juana (in honor of King Charles’ mother
To commemorate this event, Magellan presented Juana an
image of the Infant Jesus. T or F
asked Magellan’s help to defeat his
rival, Rajah si Lapulapu, who according to Sula, refused to recognize
the King of Spain as his sovereign.
Rajah Sula
Magellan at once accepted the
invitation to interfere in the local quarrel in order to show his might. He
and around sixty of his men, all well-armed, sailed for Mactan early in
the morning of April 20.
T or F
F. April 28
Victoria’s way
sail to Europe by way
of Africa
Two ships remaining from the expedition
Victoria and Trinidad
Trinidad’s way
return to Europe by the way of the
Commander of Victoria
Sebastian del Cano
Trinidad was captured by who
the Portuguese
proved conclusively that the earth was
Magellan’s voyage
Ship which returned
Other expeditions sent by King Charles
Loaysa expedition of 1525-1526
Cabot expedition of 1526-
Sayavedra expedition
of 1527-1528
Loaysa expedition commander
Father Juan Garcia Jofre de Loaysa
Cabot expedition of 1526-
commanded by Sebastian Cabot
Sayavedra expedition
of 1527-1528
commanded by Alvaro de Sayavedra
quarrelled over the possession of the
Spain and Portugal
Portugal won possession of the Moluccas after paying Spain the sum of 350,000 ducats na treaty
Treaty of Zaragoza
Date of the Treaty of Zaragoza
April 22, 1529
King Charles of
Spain agreed with his viceroys in Mexico and Guatemala that
expeditions should be sent to the East, particularly to the Spice or
Moluccas Islands
expeditions sent to the East, particularly to the Spice or Moluccas Islands. Was led by?
Ruy Lopez de Villalobos
Villalobos left Mexico with 6 ships on what date
November 1, 1542
Villalobos crossed the vast Pacific,
and reached Mindanao in February 1543 T or F
Man sent by Villalobos to Tandaya (Samar) to get some food
Bernardo De la Torre
Local chieftain of Samar or tandaya who gave him enough food
Named the islands of Samar and Leyte, Felipinas in honor of Prince Philip of Spain
Leaving the Phil, where was Villalobos captured by the Portuguese?
Villalobos’ death
at Amboina (1546)
purpose of the
expedition was to survey the trade in spices and make a report on it
Legazpi expedition
a member of the Loaysa expedition, as
pilot of the new mission
Andres de Urdaneta,
head of the expedition Lezagpi expedition
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
When did :ezagpi sailed from Mexican port of Navidad
November 21, 1564.
Legazpi number of ships and men
our ships and about 380 men
Where Legazpi concluded a blood compact with some of the
chieftains, one of whom was Bankaw
Cibabao (Leyte) then Samar
Legazpi expedition reached Cebu on
February 1565
Datu of Limasawa
Blood compacters in Bohol
Datu Si Katuna and
Si Gala
What ledi led Legazpi to order his men to sail for Cebu after Bohol?
Scarcity of food
return of the ship San
Pedro to Mexico was piloted by
Father Urdaneta and
accompanied by Legazpi’s grandson,
Felipe de Salcedo
Sailed from
the port of Cebu
June 1, 1565
northeastward from the Philippines in wide arc through the Pacific
direction at which Fr. Urdaneta steered
Discovery of a new route was done by
Father Urdaneta
Tupas brothers
Si Makayo and Si Katapan
Legazpi and men entered Cebu harbor when?
April 27
who found the image of the infant Jesus which Magellan gave to Juana
A spaniard
Although victorious, what did Legazpi apply?
Policy of Attraction
was the infant Jesus burnt?
A fort constructed was named
Fort San Pedro
Initially, the Spanish settlement was called what?
San Miguel
But Legazpi
remembered the unharmed image of Infant Jesus and renamed the
settlement what?
City of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Master of Camp
Mateo del Saz
Portuguese captain who harassed Legazpi by blockading Cebu in order to starve the156 Spaniards
Gonzalo de Pereira
Second Spanish Settlement in the Philippines was founded by
When did Legazpi and his men sailed for Panay?
where is the 2nd settlement of spaniards in the Phil?
Banks of Panay River
Expedition which sailed for Southern Luzon which reached Albay was headed by who?
Captain Enriquez de Guzman
Legazpi’s youger grandson who led a small expedition to the north
Juan de Salcedo
Salcedo’s claim for spain
Talim Island
an island near
Mindoro sailed by Salcedo and fought Filipinos who refused to recognize him.
Lubang Island
reported by Salcedo as a prosperous Muslim Kingdom
Expedition for Manila which left Panay for Mindoro last
May 8, 1570
Spanish forces division
- headed by Martin de Goiti who succeeded Mateo del Saz as master of camp
- Commanded by Salcedo
Ruler of Manila as a thriving or prosperous muslim kingdom
Rajah Sulayman or Soliman
Native canons
First governon-general of the Philippines
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
Who suggested that they settle in Luzon instead
Father Diego de Herrera, an Augustinian friar, suggested that they settle in Luzon instead.
Rajah Sulayman’s Battle in Tondo
Battle of Bangkusay
When was Manila made as the capital of the Philippines?
June 24, 1571
When did Legazpi took over Manila?
who called Manila, “Distinguished and Ever Loyal City”.
King Philip II
chief constable
alguacil mayor
city Government
legislative council members,
court clerk
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi’s death
August 20, 1572
the first-born son of King
Philip II.
Prince Fernando