Chapter 36 Spiritual health Flashcards
Define spirituality
An awareness of one’s inner self and a sense of connection to higher being, nature, or some purpose greater than oneself
A person’s health depends on a balance of?
Physical, psychological, sociological, cultural, developmental & spiritual factors
Research shows that spirituality positively
Affects & enhances physical & psychological health, quality of life, health promotion behaviors, & disease prevention activites
Many of the beneficial effects of spirituality are tied to
Hormonal & neurological function
Spirituality concept
- unique to each individual; depends on a persons culture, development, life experiences, beliefs, & ideas about life
- inherent human characteristic in all people
- gives individuals the energy needed to discover themselves, cope with difficult situations, & maintain health
- enables a person to love, have faith and hope, seek meaning in life, & nurture relationships with others
- 5 distinct but overlapping constructs are used to define it: self-transcendence, connectedness, faith & hope, inner strength and peace, meaning & purpose in life
A sense of authemtically connecting to one’s inner self. This contrasts with transcendence, the belief that a force outside of and greater than the person exists beyond the material world
- self transcendence is a positive force; allows people to have new experiences & develop new perspectives that are beyond ordinary physical boundaries
- examples of transcendent moments include: the feeling of awe when holding a new baby or looking at a beautiful sunset
Being intrapersonally connected w/in oneself; interpersonally connected w/others & the environment; & transpersonally connected with God, or an unseen higher power
-through connectedness patients move beyond the stressors of everyday life and find comfort, faith, hope, & empowerment
Allows people to have firm beliefs despite lack of physical evidence. It enables them to believe in & establish transpersonal connections
-exists with or w/out religious beliefs
- has several meanings that vary on basis of how it is experienced
- usually refers to an energizing source that has an orientation to future goals and outcomes
Spirituality gives people the ability to find a dynamic and creative sense of?
Inner strength to be used when making difficult decisions
Inner peace fosters?
Calm, positive, & peaceful feelings despite life experiences of chaos, fear & uncertainty
Define agnostic
People that believe that there is no known ultimate reality
Search for meaning in life through their work & their relationships with others, do not believe in God
Discover meaning in what they do or how they live because they find no ultimate meaning for the way things are. The believe that people bring meaning to what they do
Spiritual well being
Has two dimensions
1) One dimension supports the transcendent relationship between a person & God or a higher power
2) The other dimension describes positive relationships & connections that people have with others
- those who experience spiritual well being feel connected to others & are able to find meaning or purpose in their lives
- those spiritually healthy experience joy, able to forgive themselves & others, accept hardship & mortality, & report an enhanced quality of life
- It is a cultural or institutional religion such as Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity
- Also a relationship with a divinity, higher power, or spirit that incorporates a reasoning faith (belief) & a trusting faith (action)
- reasoning faith provides confidence in something for which there is no proof. An acceptance of what reasoning cannot explain
- also the manner in which a person chooses to live
- gives purpose & meaning to an individuals life, allowing for action
- Associated with “state of doing” or specific system of practices associated with a particular denomination, sect, or form of worship
- system of organized beliefs & worship that a person practices to outwardly express spirituality
- people from different religions view spirituality different
- not synonymous with spirituality. Religious practices encompass spirituality, but spirituality does not need to include religious practice
- When a person has the attitude of something to live for & look forward to, hope is present
- multidimensional concept that provides comfort while people endure life-threatening situations, hardships, and other personal challenges
- closely associated with faith & is energizing
- hope motivates people to achieve such as adopting healthy behaviors
People gain spiritual health by
Finding a balance between their values, goals, & beliefs & their relationships w/in themselves & others
Beliefs among older people vary on the basis of?
Cultural factors such as gender, past experience, religion, ethnicity, & economic status
Older adults often express their spirituality by?
Turning to important relationships & giving of themselves to others
Spiritual distress
A state of suffering related to the impaired ability to experience meaning in life through connections with self, others, the world, or a superior being
- causes people to question their identity & feel doubt, loss of faith, & sense of being alone or abandoned
- also occurs when there is conflict between a person’s beliefs and prescribed health regimens or the inability to practice usual rituals
Acute illness
- often creates spiritual distress
- illness/injury creates unanticipated scramble to integrate & cope with new realities
- often look for ways to remain faithful to beliefs & value systems
- old research has found that patients experienced different phases of finding meaning & purpose in life: facing mortality, releasing fear & turmoil, identifying & making lifestyle changes, seeking divine purpose, & making meaning in daily life
Chronic illness
Dependence on others for routine self-care needs often create feelings of powerlessness
- powerlessness & the loss of a sense of purpose in life impair the ability to cope with alterations in functioning
- successful adaption provides spiritual growth
Near death experience (NDE)
Describes a powerfully close brush with physical, emotional, & spiritual death
- isolation & depression often occur because of fear of discussing it
- After patients have survived NDE, promote spiritual well-being by remaining open, giving patients a chance to explore what happened, & supporting them as they share the experience with significant others
In setting standards for quality health care, The Joint Commission requires health care organizations to?
Assess patients’ denomination, beliefs, & spiritual practices & acknowledge their rights to spiritual care
-TJC does not specify what to include in an assessment
Spiritual well-being scale
Has 20 questions that assess a patient’s relationship with God and his or her sense of life purpose & life satisfaction
The FICA assessment tool
Evaluates spirituality & is closely correlated to quality of life. -FICA stands for F-faith or belief I-Importance & influence C-Community A-Address (Interventions to address)
You assess a patient’s satisfaction with life by asking questions such as?
“How happy or satisfied are you with your life?”
“Tell me how satisfied you feel about what you have accomplished in life?”
Assessing the use of rituals and practices helps you understand a patient’s spirituality. Rituals include?
Participation in worship, prayer, sacraments (e.g. baptism, Holy Eucharist), fasting, singing, meditating, scripture reading, & making offerings or sacrifices
- rituals often provide patient with structure & support during difficult times. Use them as a part of nursing intervention if they are important to patient
Expression of spirituality includes?
Showing an appreciation for life in the variety of things people do, living in the moment & not worrying about tomorrow, appreciating nature, expressing love towards others, & being productive
A cultural value that indicates warmth, closeness, & empathy in relationships with other people and a universal being
Latino cultural value, indicates commitment and loyalty to immediate and extended family