Chapter 34-Self Concept Flashcards
Define self concept
An individual’s view of self. It is subjective and involves a complex mixture of unconscious and conscious thoughts, attitudes, & perceptions.
-How a person THINKS about oneself & it directly affects self esteem
Self esteem is
How a person FEELS about oneself
The loss of bodily function, decline in activity tolerance, and difficulty managing a chronic illness are examples of situations that change a patient’s?
Self concept
In general young children tend to rate themselves higher than they rate other children, suggesting that?
Their view of themselves is positively inflated
Job satisfaction and overall performance in adulthood are also linked to?
Self-expanding opportunities such as exploring new ideas, solving problems in creative ways, and learning new skills predict job satisfaction and commitment and promote?
Self-concept clarity and self-esteem
Sometimes when individuals lose a job, their sense of self diminishes, they lose motivation to be socially active, and they even become depressed. They lose their job identity, and this alters their self-perceptions and self-care practices. Establishing a stable sense of self that transcends relationships and situations is a developmental goal of?
Cultural variations in self-concept and self-esteem across the life span can impact?
Health behaviors
- in adolescent girls cultural pride and self-esteem serve as protective factors against risk behaviors, including intentions to have sexual intercourse
- Cultural identity of older adults is one of the major elements of self concept and a key aspect of self-esteem
How individuals view themselves and their perception of their health are closely related
- Lower self esteem is a risk factor that leaves one vulnerable to health problems, whereas higher self esteem and strong social relationships support good health
- a patient’s belief in personal health often enhances their self concept
- chronic illness often affects the ability to provide financial support & maintain relationships, which then affects an individuals self esteem and perceived roles w/in the family
- chronic illness affects identity and body image
Trust vs Mistrust (Birth to 1 year)
- develops trust following consistency in caregiving and nurturing interactions
- Distinguishes self from environment
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
- 1-3 years
- begins to communicate likes/dislikes
- increasingly independent in thoughts and actions
- appreciates body appearance and function (e.g dressing, feeding, talking, walking)
Initiative vs Guilt
- 3-6 years
- identifies w/a gender
- enhances self awareness
- increases language skills, including identification of feelings
Industry vs inferioritiy
- 6-12 years
- incorporates feedback from peers & teachers
- increases self esteem w/new skill mastery ( reading, mathematics, sports, music)
- aware of strengths and limitations
Identity vs role confusion
- 12-20 years
- accepts body changes/maturation
- examines attitudes, values, and beliefs; establishes goals for the future
- feels positive about expanded sense of self
Intimacy vs isolation
- Mid 20s to mid 40s
- has stable, positive feelings about self
- experiences successful role transitions and increased responsibilities
Generativity vs self absorption
- Mid 40s to mid 60s
- able to accept changes in appearance and physical endurance
- reassesses life goals
- shows contentment with aging
Ego integrity vs despair
- Late 60s to death
- feels positive about life and its meaning
- interested in providing a legacy for the next gerneration