Chapter 32 Flashcards
(Erickson) Infant: birth - 18mo
trust v. mistrust
(Erickson) Early Childhood: 18mo - 3 yrs
autonomy v. shame & doubt
(Erickson) Late Childhood: 3 - 6 yrs
initiative v. guilt
“magical thinking” for med admin
(Erickson) Schoolage: 6 - 12 yrs
industry v. inferiority
(Erickson) Adolescence: 12 - 20 yrs
identity v. role confusion
(Erickson) Early Adulthood: 20 - 35 yrs
intimacy v. isolation
(Erickson) Middle Adulthood: 35 - 65 yrs
generativity v. stagnation
(Erickson) Later Adulthood: 65 yrs - death
integrity v. despair
(Piaget) Sensorimotor Stage: birth - 2 yrs
learns about reality and how it works
- object permanence (later)
(Piaget) Preoperational Stage: 2 - 7 yrs
prelogical thinking, finding solutions egocentric, concrete thinking - egocentric speech - global organization - pain disappears magically punishment for wrongdoing someone else's fault as a physical and concrete experience
(Piaget) Concrete Operational: 7 - 11 yrs
classify, sort facts - logical thinking
development of abstract thinking begins
(Piaget) Formal Operations: 11 yrs - adulthood
abstract and logical thinking
(Kohlberg) Level 1
Preconvential Morality
Stages 0-2
(Kohlberg) Stage 0, egocentric judgement: birth - 2 yrs
no awareness of right/wrong
(Kohlberg) Stage 1, Punishment - obedience orientation: 2 - 3 yrs
selfish view, no real understanding of right/ wrong
physical punishments/ no rewards –> negative view of morals
withhold love / affection –> guilt
(Kohlberg) Stage 2, Instrumental Relativist Orientation: 4-7 yrs
conforms to rules for rewards/ favors
preschooler = preconventional stage
conscience emerges
(Kohlberg) Level 2
Conventional Morality
Stages 3-4
Conforms to rules to please others, aware of others’ feelings
(Kohlberg) Stage 3, Good Boy - Nice Girl Orientation: 7-10 yrs
conformity is to avoid dislike by others
being good is important
(Kohlberg) Stage 4, Law & Order Orientation: 10-12 yrs
more concern for society
moral reasoning develops
observes standards of others
(Kohlberg) Level 3
Postconventional Morality
Stages 5-6
Focuses on individuals rights and principles of conscience
(Kohlberg) Stage 5, Social Contract & Legalistic Orientation: Preadolescence
knows there are a variety of rules / values
does not expect to get something w/o paying
(Kohlberg) Stage 6, Universal Ethical Principles Orientation: ~ 13 yrs
Conformity based on universal principles of justice and occurs to avoid self condemnation
self chosen ethical principles
individual conscience
(Freud) ID
source of drives
pleasure principle
(Freud) EGO
problem solving
dev. about 4-5 mo.
3-6 yrs of age
internatlization of values, ideals, morals
represents the ideal
(Freud) Oral
birth - 1 yr
(Freud) Anal
1-3 yrs
(Freud) Phallic
3-6 yrs
(Freud) Latency
6-12 yrs
(Freud) Genital
12 yrs +